New Moon Unofficial Film Script Close to Home (Part 3)

New Moon Unofficial Film Script — Close to Home (Part 3)

DISCLAIMER The Twilight saga is owned and created by Stephenie Meyer, Little, Brown and Company and Summit Entertainment. This site and its content are in no way affiliated or associated with and/or or it’s respective companies.

To read Part 4 — Romeo Must Not Die, please click here.

To read Part 2 — Shattered Pieces, please click here.

To read Part 1 — Severed Ties, please click here.

SEQ . EXT. Forest. Bella pauses at the edge of the forest. She turns to head back to her truck when she hears pitiful sounds. Concerned, Bella ventures further into the forest. She halts when she sees a dark figure. Then she recognizes him.


Forgive me, Bella. When I saw you pass by, I couldn’t resist trying to get your attention.

Although Bella feels a certain unease with his method, she tries to hide it.

So what are you doing here? I thought you were in Alaska.

The Denalis are very gracious hosts. (slyly) Will you satisfy my curiosity? I’ve checked the Cullen house a couple of months ago. It’s empty. Did Edward tire of his little pet?

(snarls) Keep away from her!

Edward crouches in front of Bella protectively.

Lie, Bella.

The Cullens have moved on but they drop by often. I don’t think I should mention your visit to– to Edward though. He’s still very touchy about James.

I don’t think you’ll be having the opportunity to tell him anything. You see, I’m very thirsty… Since you’re conveniently here and obviously unattached, I might as well kill two birds with one stone.

A slight wind lifts Bella’s hair off her nape. Laurent sniffs the air appreciatively.

Uhmm… You do smell mouthwatering. I have to make my excuses to Victoria for not giving her the pleasure of killing you herself.

Bella instinctively takes a step back from her predator.


Don’t move, Bella.

As a favor to Victoria, I’ve been coming to hunt in this area because she wants the authorities diverted from her real activities. Can you guess why? Or should I say who? She’s put out with your Edward for killing James. She wants her revenge. An eye for an eye. A mate for a mate. But her plans may be all for nothing. You must not mean much to Edward if he left you here unprotected.

Bella tries to hide her pain. Laurent stalks Bella until she’s trapped against a tree.

Remind him of the Denalis.

Bella is too petrified with fear.

(urgently) Bella!

D– don’t you drink just animal blood now too?

I do.

Laurent caresses the side of her face then trails it down her neck.

But after feasting on human blood for hundreds of years, how can I be satisfied with plain fare?

Laurent lifts the hair off her nape gently.

So there are times when I simply have to cheat. Like now.

Laurent gets distracted by a movement in the forest.

No, I don’t believe it.

Wolf Jacob is immediately in front of Bella and growls at Laurent, who backs away from Bella. The wolves surround Laurent.

Werewolves are supposed to be extinct.

He attempts to fight but the pack overwhelms him. Terrified, Bella watches as the pack attacks and tears Laurent to pieces. She forces herself to move by backing up slowly, and then she begins to run back to her truck.

SEQ . EXT Road. As the truck speeds away from the scene, a plume of smoke is seen rising from the tops of the trees.

SEQ . EXT Police station. Charlie is addressing a small group of men.

It’s not a bear. An eyewitness has reported that we’re looking for wolves. And not just any ordinary wolves either. These are as big as horses.

Men murmur in reaction to this info.

Rangers will be going into the forest armed. As volunteers, you will also be armed. Hunters are going in for the reward.

Charlie holds up a flyer offering a reward for wolf carcasses.

That’s going to mean a lot of firepower. When people get too excited, accidents happen. So look before you shoot.

SEQ. INT. School stage. Rehearsal for Romeo and Juliet. In the audience area, Bella is beside Mr. Berty taking some notes.

O, then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do;
They pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair.

Saints do not move, though…

Jessica forgets her lines.

(under her breath) …grant for prayers’ sake.

Sorry, Mr. Berty. I forgot again.

Mr. Berty sighs in exasperation.

(to Bella) Are you sure you don’t want to play Juliet?

I get serious stage fright, Mr. Berty. I’m sorry. I’ll just let everybody down. It’s better that I’m just one of the assistant stage managers.

Pity. You know all the lines so well. (to Jessica) From the top, Jessica.

Bella gets up to go backstage.

SEQ. INT. Backstage. Bella notices that the swords are on the wrong side of the stage. She sighs and picks up the swords to bring them to its proper place. Bella trips. The swords fly into the air. Instead of the wooden sound of fake props, the zing of metal is heard as the swords clash into each other. They fall upright, within inches of Bella’s supine form. Edward shields her with his body.

Bella stares at the quivering swords embedded in the floor that could have impaled her to her death.

Bella, are you alright?

Bella stands up gingerly and begins to pry the swords out. Eric and Tyler enter backstage. They see Bella with the armful of swords.

I was wondering where the swords are.

Hey, great! These swords look real.

Eric and Tyler do a mock fight.

Ow! You sliced me, man!

I didn’t!

Yes, you did! Look!

Tyler shows a bleeding cut on his arm. Bella turns green from the blood and the near-death experience.

Get out of here! Or Bella’s gonna hurl!

Tyler runs out.

Bella, sit down and put your head between your knees. I’ll get some water.

SEQ a. EXT. Forest. Shots ring out as men shoot at the pack. Seth gets shot. The pack keeps running.

SEQ b. EXT. Sam’s house. The pack morphs into “humans.” Leah immediately goes to Seth.

Jacob, check on Seth.

Jacob looks at the wound that has already healed into a pink scar.

Completely healed. It was just a grazing shot.

(laughs) Even if they had fired a hundred shots into the young pup, he would still be alive.


The pack laughs.

It is fortunate that the wolf gene allows us to heal very quickly. However, it is unfortunate that the authorities think that we are the ones committing the murders.

But we were created to protect human life.

And kill bloodsuckers!

Jake, who is doing the murders now?

The female has returned.

She will not stop until her mate is avenged.

One bloodsucker against a whole pack. Not much challenge in that!

Except that this murderous parasite has the talent for escaping. Always.

Jacob growls in frustration.

SEQ . EXT Forest Dream Sequence. Evening. It starts with Edward fighting Laurent, Edward turns into Jacob, Jacob turns into a wolf, wolves run after Laurent, who turns into a vampire with long hair.

Hello, Bella.

Bella wakes up with a scream. Charlie, who’s used to it by now, doesn’t bother to knock.

SEQ . INT. Bella’s truck. Afternoon. Bella and Jacob are talking animatedly.

Hey, I got a B+ on my English essay.

That’s great!

Yeah, thanks to you. But I thought we could alternate the studying with another project. Secret though.

Is the secret project the reason why we needed to bring the truck?

Yup. Have you ever had a secret that you couldn’t tell anyone?


But you already know my secret.

I do? What is it?

Forget I mentioned it.

Jacob refers to the empty space for the stereo.

What happened to this? There’s a lot of damage.

I took it out.

That decides it. You’re going to be my assistant. You need to improve your mechanical skills. (teases) That should age you up a bit.

I don’t know how you became 30, while I’m still a teenager.

Trust me. Skills count. Turn right here.

Bella stops the truck and realizes that Jacob has brought her to a junkyard. Jacob sees Bella’s hesitation and cajoles her.

C’mon, you’ll like this.

SEQ . EXT. Junkyard. Early to late afternoon. Montage of shots showing Jacob and Bella having a lot of fun:
- Tromping through the yard
- Sorting through the junk
- Going through motorcycle parts
- Jacob greasing up Bella’s face and her retaliation
- Loading the two beat up motorcycles at the back of Bella’s truck

SEQ . EXT. Garage. Sunny afternoon. While working on the motorcycles right outside the garage, the sun makes Jacob’s shirtless skin gleam and highlights his musculature. Bella, who’s all bundled up against the cold, can’t help staring.

(self-consciously) What? Does my being half-naked bother you? I could put a shirt on.

No, no. I just hadn’t realized before. Did you know, you’re sort of beautiful?

Did you just trip and hit your head pretty hard?

I’m serious.

Almost in a trance, Bella comes closer and curiously traces his chest with a finger.

Are you always this hot?

(huskily) Uh-huh.

Bella blushes and removes her finger guiltily.

I meant your skin is hot. Like you’re running a fever.

Jacob grabs her hand and places her palm over his heart. Bella can feel his accelerated heartbeat, which makes her breathless.

I can stand outside in a snowstorm like this and the snow would just melt on me.

Bella and Jacob stare into each other’s eyes until a sound breaks the spell. Bella removes her hand from underneath his.

I hear people coming.

Quick, let’s hide the bikes.

Bella and Jacob start rolling the motorcycles into the garage.

Why do we have to keep it a secret anyway?

You do want to ride one of these babies, right?

Charlie will have a heart attack.

Bella starts laughing. Jacob joins in.

SEQ. INT Black house. Jacob and Bella enter while still laughing about their secret. Billy is pleasantly surprised to see Bella laughing again. He and Billy exchange significant glances.

Hey, Dad!

Bella and Jacob laugh again.

(aside) Go, Team Jacob.

C’mon, kids! I’ve prepared my super secret recipe for spaghetti. Handed down through generations.

I don’t think bottled spaghetti sauce has been around that long.

Harry, this is my daughter, Bella.

Hello, Bella.

Good evening, sir.

Hey, Bella, these are Harry’s kids — Leah and Seth.

Hi. Nice to meet you.

It’s great to finally meet you.

Jacob elbows Seth for his teasing.

Will you stow it?

Nice to meet you too.

A montage of shots of people laughing and eating, Jacob and Bella exchanging smiling glances, etc.

SEQ. INT. School stage. Rehearsal for Romeo and Juliet.

Good night, good night! parting is such
sweet sorrow,
That I shall say good night till it be morrow.

Jessica exits.

Hence will I to my ghostly father’s cell,
His help to crave, and my dear hap to tell.

Mark exits.

That’s good. Take ten everybody. Then let’s do the balcony scene again.

Bella goes to check the balcony set-up. As she leans forward over the balustrade, it breaks. She manages to catch the edge. Girls scream as she dangles in the air. Edward grabs her forearms.

Hang on, Bella!

Bella manages to pull herself up and scrambles to a safer part of the set. Angela arrives.

Are you okay?

Bella nods mutely. Angela notices her scraped hands.

C’mon, I’ll bring you to the clinic.

SEQ. EXT. La Push Beach. Afternoon. Jacob and Bella walk along the beach. Bella notices the figures on top of the cliff. She stares, horrified, when one of them decides to leap.

NO! Don’t jump!

Bella, it’s okay. They’re just cliff diving.

Oh. Wow. It’s so high. Have you ever tried it?

Yeah, it’s fun. A little scary, kind of a rush.

Jake, I want to try cliff diving.

Bella goes towards the base of the cliffs. Jacob catches her by the arm and stops her.

Bella, wait. Not today, all right?

(stubbornly) Fine. But I want to go soon.

(warily) Soon. Sometimes you’re a little strange, Bella. Do you know that?

Sure, sure.

Bella, can you do something for me?

If I can.

Remember that first time we were here?


Can you try and remember everything I’ve said?

I don’t think that’s a good idea, Jake.

Please try. It’s really important. (changing the subject) Come to the garage right after school tomorrow. I have a surprise for you.

I hope it’s a reckless surprise.

Bella laughs.

Oh, it’s reckless alright.

Jacob raises his commuter mug.

But, here’s to responsibility. Tutoring twice a week.

And recklessness every day in between.

Bella raises her own commuter mug so that they can have a mock toast.

SEQ. INT. Cullens Living Room. Alice is partially distressed.

(disparagingly) Bella disappeared again? Losing your touch, Alice?

I’m missing so many things. I feel so useless. So… normal.

I can’t imagine how awful that must feel.

Rosalie, stop baiting your sister.

SEQ. EXT. Dirt road. Bella is on a bike with blue ribbons on the handlebars, with Jake keeping it balanced.

Okay, where’s the brake?

Behind my right foot.


Jacob curls his hand over her right hand, which brings his body very close to Bella’s. She gets a little bit distracted with his warmth and proximity.

This is the brake you want. Don’t use the back brake now. That’s for later, when you already know what you’re doing.


Easy on the clutch. Okay, go for it…

Bella slowly releases the clutch. The bike is a little bit wobbly at first, and then, she gets her balance and starts moving forward. Jacob whoops in the background. Edward runs alongside the bike.

This is reckless and childish and idiotic, Bella.

Bella smiles wider as she goes faster. She has a flashback of traveling on Edward’s back through the tress. The feel of the wind on her face and through her hair makes Bella laugh out loud.

Bella, watch out for the turn. Brake gently. Bella!

Bella turns the handlebars away from the curve and mistakenly steps on the foot brake instead of using the hand brake. The bike spins and lands on top of her. Jacob hurriedly arrives with her truck. He rushes to Bella, who’s face down on the ground.

Bella! Are you okay?

Jacob turns her over. Bella starts laughing.

Where are you hurt?

Bella laughs harder.

I’m great! Let’s do it again!

Jacob grins and impulsively hugs her.

Jake…can’t breathe.

Oops… Sorry. Hey, you did such a great job, let’s add a couple of years. You’re now twenty to my forty!

Bella punches him playfully and hurts herself. Jacob takes her fist and kisses her knuckles to make it better.

SEQ. INT. School stage. Rehearsal for Romeo and Juliet. Bella and some of her classmates are waiting for their cue for the set change.

Now must I to the monument alone;
Within three hours will fair Juliet wake:

At the end of Friar Laurence’s line, everyone tries to push the set onstage. Despite their efforts, the large set of Juliet’s tomb doesn’t move.

What’s wrong?

I don’t know.

I’ll pull from the front.

As Bella stations herself on the side nearest the stage, a sudden force on the set from the other side moves the set forward by several feet, almost crushing Bella, who is right in its path. Edward pushes at the set.

Stop! You’re going to crush Bella!

Stop pushing, guys!

Bella, are you okay? (to Tyler) We weren’t pushing!

Then how do you explain the fact that the set is now here?

Tyler points to the onstage area.

I don’t know!

Guys, no harm done. I’m okay.

SEQ . EXT. Meadow. Bella and Jacob enter the meadow. Jacob is consulting the compass.

This is it.

Pretty place.

Jacob looks around and then taps side of his head.

Good thing I have a great memory. The coordinates to this place will be no problem for me, so we can always go back to it.

Bella has a flashback of the special moments she and Edward shared at the meadow. She hugs her constricting chest. Jacob immediately notices her movement and tries to pry her arms away unsuccessfully. He settles for hugging her instead to comfort her.

Bells, you okay?

I don’t think I’ll ever come back. I just wanted to see if it was real.

Jacob tilts her face up.

Bella, tell me something.


You like me, right?

You know I do.

Better than any of the other guys you know?

Yeah. Better than any of the girls I know too.

But that’s all.


Jacob moves away. Bella hugs herself tighter from the loss of his warmth.

It’s still the other one, isn’t it? That’s okay. As long as you like me the best. I’m not giving up. I’m prepared to be annoyingly persistent.

You shouldn’t waste your time on me.

It’s my time to waste. Besides, it’s what I want to do. As long as you still like to be with me.

I can’t imagine how I could not like being with you.


Jacob takes her hand gently.

Is this okay?


I promise that I’ll always be here. You can always count on me.

I know that, Jake. And, I already do count on you, probably more than you know.

SEQ. INT. Cullen Living Room. Alice comes out of her trance.

Bella’s disappearing more regularly now. For longer periods. Total blackout. Then she comes back. What does it mean?

Until we know more, we will not act. What’s important is Bella does comes back.

SEQ. EXT. Swan yard. Morning. Bella is standing silently in front of the trashcan. Then she takes out Edward’s CD and deliberately breaks it into half, then throws the pieces into the garbage can. She takes a glance at the birthday pictures and then tears them up into non-salvageable pieces. Bella smiles at what she has done.

SEQ . EXT. Sam’s house. The pack is in human form.

The council is concerned that you seem to be spending a lot of time with Bella Swan.

(with disgust) Vampire girl!

Don’t call her that!

Leech lover!

Both Jacob and Paul are trembling.

Jake! Paul! Calm down! Focus!

The two are able to control themselves. Sam takes Jacob aside for privacy.

Jake, remember, you cannot tell her anything. You are sworn to secrecy. Unless… Have you imprinted on Bella Swan?


(gently) Jake, it might be wiser to let her go. You’ll just hurt Bella when you finally imprint on your true mate.

Jake steals a glance at Leah Clearwater who is studiously avoiding the two of them.

And, keep in mind that you can be physically dangerous for Bella. Learn from my mistakes.

Emily enters with food for everyone. As she serves, the other half of her face is revealed to be mutilated by scars. Sam goes to her, then caresses and kisses Emily’s scars before claiming her lips. Good-natured grumbling from everyone at the intimacy while Leah looks hurt and uncomfortable with the scene.

SEQ. EXT. Afternoon. Valentine’s Day. Bella and Jacob are exiting the cinema. Jacob brings out a small pack of conversation hearts from his pocket.

Happy Valentine’s Day.


C’mon, just for fun. I’ll start.

Jacob reads his conversation heart before popping it into his mouth.

You’re fine.

Bella randomly selects a conversation heart and reads hers aloud as well.


Dream girl.

Get real.

Hug me.

Be good.

True love.

First kiss. This is silly.

Jacob laughs good-naturedly and grabs her hand while they walk. Bella doesn’t protest the intimacy, and, gives a small smile.

SEQ. EXT. La Push Beach. Early afternoon. Harry Clearwater is at the edge of the beach watching Emily and other young tribe members frolic at the beach. Harry suddenly smells something that makes him very tense.

You are not welcome here, Cold One.

Harry turns to face the threat. The shadow does not move in response. Harry straightens himself and prepares to fight to the death.

I am a son of the spirit warriors. I will defend my people.

With difficulty, Harry morphs into an old wolf. The vampire gives a throaty lazy laugh, clearly amused with the attempt.

SEQ. EXT. La Push beach. Late afternoon. The pack, in wolf form, surrounds the dead human body of Harry Clearwater. Wolf Leah lies beside her fallen father, while Wolf Seth nudges him, as if expecting him to wake up at any moment.

We have failed our very own tribe. Forgive us, Kaheleha.

Wolf Sam raises his muzzle to the sky to howl his grief for the fallen elder. The rest of the pack howls in mourning.

SEQ. EXT. Black garage. Early evening. Jacob and the rest of the pack are having a meeting. Bella suddenly enters. Her arrival halts the proceedings.

Jake, Billy said you –

Bella sees the whole pack and stops, instinctively feeling the sudden tension in the air and the misplaced anger directed at her. Jacob approaches Bella.

(attempts levity) Hi, Bella. Are you going to Harry’s funeral?

Yeah, Charlie went on ahead. I thought we –

You dishonor our dead with your presence. Leech lover!

In his anger, Paul morphs into a wolf and attacks Bella.

No, Paul!!!

In a split second, Jacob also turns into a wolf and crashes into Paul to stop him from hurting Bella.

Go home, Bella.

Sam signals one of the pack members to lead a shocked Bella to her truck, who makes sure to close the door with finality, and stands unmoving until Bella leaves.

Trembling, Bella manages to turn on the ignition and drive away, while still watching the deadly fight. Despite her fear, she is still, clearly, very concerned for Jacob’s safety.

SEQ . INT. Bella’s Bedroom. Evening. Bella hears the sound of wheels outside her window. Bella is terrified but determined. Jacob enters through the window, dressed in a pair of pants and a jacket. Bella rushes to him, pummeling him ineffectively with her fists.

Kill me but don’t hurt Charlie! Kill me! Just me! Leave Charlie alone! Please, Jacob! Please!

Stop it, Bella!

Jacob embraces Bella to pin her arms so she won’t hurt herself.

What are you talking about? I just saved your life!

You, Paul and Sam are murderers! Your pack has been the one doing all the killings! How could you, Jacob? Those hikers and tourists never had any chance! And to kill one of your own!

Bella struggles out of his arms. Jacob starts to shake with anger that Bella thinks he’s a murderer. Edward goes protectively in front of Bella.

Be very careful, Bella. Don’t push him too far.

Is that what you think? Look into my eyes, Bella. Do you actually think I can kill innocents?

Bella falters from the truth blazing in Jacob’s eyes.

I don’t know. But, the pack’s tracks are all over the murder scenes. If it’s not you, then who’s behind all those murders?

Those vampires you call friends.

Edward hisses.

The Cullens left more than six months ago. How can you blame them? And, your pack killed Laurent.

Was that his name? Well, the mate of Laurent is trying to avenge him.

Victoria sent Laurent. She’s James’ mate, not his. Ed — Edward killed James. So Victoria wants to kill me. A mate for a mate. Except I’m not really –

Jacob begins to shake again from the thought of Bella being in danger.

You need to calm him down.

It’s alright, Jacob. I’m safe now. I owe you my life.

Jacob regains control.

It was really a group effort. Look, our tracks are there because we’re trying to protect people, but, we’re always just a little bit too late.

Jacob takes Bella’s hands.

I’m not a killer, Bella. Please believe me.


Really. We are sworn to protect humans from our one and only enemy — vampires. Think, Bella. Remember what I told you at the beach.

Bella has a flashback of Jacob narrating that the Quileutes were descended from wolves.

But you said they were just stories.

Jacob laughs bitterly.

I discovered last year they were all too true. When I reached manhood, I turned into a werewolf. Werewolves only exist because vampires do.

You mean the presence of vampires brings out the wolves in your tribe?

Yes. Vampires trigger the wolf gene. We do not hunt humans.

Bella has a flashback of Laurent saying that Victoria sent him, and then the pack attacking him. Bella realizes that Jacob is indeed telling the truth.

I’m sorry for calling you a murderer, Jake.

Jacob gently embraces her, then nuzzles his face on the top of her head.

It’s okay. I thought I was going to lose you. I thought you would be repulsed by what I’ve become.

You won’t lose me that easily.

Bella has a flashback of the fight between Jacob and Paul. She runs her fingers through his chest and arms, looking for wounds.

Jake, did you get hurt from the fight?

(grimly) Nope. Not a scratch.

Jacob distances himself from Bella.

I’m a monster. I’m not supposed to be around you. It’s not safe for you. If I get too mad… too upset… I might accidentally hurt you.

You’re not like Paul. You won’t hurt me. I trust you.

Remember Emily? Everybody was told that a bear mauled her. It’s not true. Sam did that. He lost his temper for just a second. And now he’s enduring a lifetime of regret.

Jacob has a flashback of Sam morphing and hurting Emily. Jacob starts to shake with emotion. Edward stands protectively in front of Bella.

Keep away from him, Bella. He’s a young werewolf. He still can’t control himself.

Bella takes a step closer to Jacob.

Even when I thought you were hurting people, I still cared for you.

(hopefully) You don’t mind that I morph into a wolf? You don’t think that I’m a monster?

No. You’ll always be Jake to me.

That means a lot to me, Bells. But, I’ve got to go. I can’t see you any more.

Are you… breaking up with me?

We’re still friends. But, I’ve got to keep my distance. (grins briefly) So, don’t shoot at any wolves running near your house.

Please don’t. You promised. I need you.

(seriously) I want to keep you safe, Bells, even from me.

Maybe, if you gave me more time… Just don’t quit on me now, Jake. I can’t take it.

Jacob cradles Bella’s face in his hands and stares intently into her eyes with his agonized ones.

No. Don’t think like that, Bella, please. Don’t blame yourself, don’t think this is your fault. This one is all me. I’m sorry, Bella.

Jacob lays his head on top of Bella’s for a moment and then he tears himself away to leave through the window. Bella rushes to follow him.

Let him go, Bella.

Bella sees her bike right below her window where Jacob has left it to say farewell.

SEQ. INT. Cullens Living Room.


Jasper is immediately at her side.

Alice, what happened?

Bella’s dead.

Alice, please go back to Forks and find out exactly what happened. After we have more information, we shall decide what to do. Jasper, please stay.

Jasper is torn between going with Alice and following Carlisle.

Please, Jasper. Edward might need you.

I’ll be all right, Jasper. Please stay.

Jasper nods jerkily. Rosalie slips away unnoticed.

SEQ . EXT. Dirt road. Bella drives at a more than normal speed on the bike. A shadow is seen streaking through the trees to follow her. Edward appears running alongside Bella.

Bella, turn the bike around and go back. Do you hear me?

Bella leans over the handlebars and speeds up the motorbike.

SEQ . EXT. La Push path. Bella is struggling up the path, slipping once in a while before determinedly continuing. Another figure is seen following her.

SEQ . EXT. La Push Cliffs. Bella is whipped by the air and pelted by the rain from the coming storm. Edward is furiously striding after her.

(angrily) Stop, Bella! Do you want to kill yourself? Stop this idiotic nonsense right now! Go back to Charlie’s house!

Bella walks slowly to go near the edge to look down at the dark water.

(pleadingly) Bella, honey, please move away from the edge.

Bella steps closer to the edge.

(begging) Love, don’t do this. Please. For me.

A sudden flash of lightning makes Bella involuntarily take a step back.

I have never seen any human who seems to court death like you do.

It takes a few moments for Bella to realize that there is someone behind her. She turns slowly to see a figure standing several feet away from her.

(confused) Tori?

Bella notices the red in her eyes.

Your eyes!

The contacts have disintegrated with the venom. Pity. I really liked purple.

Tori takes off her hood to show her short blonde pixie hair.

And I had to hide my long curly hair too. Just so you won’t recognize me.

Who– Who are you?

Your Edward killed my mate — James.

Victoria removes the blonde wig and carelessly throws it away. With her signature curly red hair framing her face, Bella easily recognizes her.


Bella freezes from fear.

When Laurent told me the Cullens were gone, I realized I could easily copy their MO. I enrolled as a transfer student in Forks High School so that I could be nearer my prey.

Tell her we’re going to rip her to pieces, Bella!

If you hurt me, the Cullens will come after you.

I’m not going to do anything to you. You will do it yourself. Your death will be ruled as an accident. Or a suicide.

Alice will know the truth.

No. I don’t think so. I know how Alice’s gift works. You see, Laurent and one of the Denalis have become very close. Whatever she shared with him, Laurent has kindly passed on to me. Very helpful information. I’ve been very careful not to make any decisions. Especially not about hurting or killing you. I’ve kept my distance. I’ve just been very alert for any opportunity.

You staged those accidents.

Not really. I merely added to the situation. And left it up to the fates. And your clumsiness.

A flashback of Bella’s recent stage-related “accidents” and Victoria’s hand in it: a change of the swords from wooden to real ones, a laid out cable on the floor to trip her, a weakened balustrade that led to her fall and an almost unseen push to the tomb set to crush her.

I have to thank you for letting me play lion to your lamb, Bella. It’s been so entertaining. No wonder the Cullens kept you as a pet. But, this one…

Victoria gestures to the cliff and the sky.

I couldn’t have asked for a more perfect setting. And, the best part is, when Edward learns of it, he’ll think it’s his fault. An eternity of tortured self-remorse and guilt.

Victoria laughs in delight, and then becomes predatory as she moves forward to force Bella to the edge.

I’m just a really supportive friend trying to push you in the right direction.

Bella decides to take her chances with the water below. She takes the few running steps that will send her over the edge. Edward tries to grab her but misses.


Victoria looks down with a satisfied glow in her eyes. Then a sound distracts her and she runs off. A figure comes up from the side of the cliff, and sees the muddy tracks, realizes what happened, and jumps off the cliff to follow Bella.

SEQ a. EXT. La Push waters. Bella tries to swim but the currents are too strong. Bella loses consciousness. Edward materializes in the water, forces air into her lungs by breathing into her mouth and then grabs Bella to begin swimming strongly towards the surface.

SEQ b. EXT. La Push beach. Jacob is performing AR (Artificial Respiration) on Bella.

Breathe, Bella! Breathe! For me!

Bella sputters and coughs.

SEQ . EXT. Dirt road. Evening. Jacob holds Bella in front of him as he drives her motorcycle towards his house. To keep her warm, Jacob has wrapped her in his jacket.

Hold on, Bella. You’ll be alright.

Jacob reacts to a scent in the air.


While the bike is still moving at maximum speed, Jacob hauls Bella to his back, cuts off the engine, leaps into the air and morphs into a wolf. He immediately asks for help from the pack before he even hits the ground running.

A vampire’s after me and Bella!

SEQ . EXT. Forest. Evening. The pack is out on patrol.

Head towards Quileute territory!

The wolves howl as they run to meet Jacob.

SEQ . EXT. Forest near the Quileute territory. Evening. Jacob is running swiftly with Bella on his back, and the vampire in close pursuit.

Action sequence wherein the vampire has managed to run almost side by side with Wolf Jacob. Jacob uses his ability to shape-shift really fast from human to wolf to confuse the vampire. But, the vampire adjusts to his strategy quickly and reaches through his defenses to grab Bella off his back and then flings her to a grassy mound, where she lies gasping from the impact, winded but unhurt.

The vampire turns to face Jacob in a crouching defensive position, clearly ready to fight, but not willing to come closer.

Jacob growls and tries to bite the vampire repeatedly to get through to Bella. He is unsuccessful. By this time, the pack has arrived to assist Jacob.

The wolves go from their V-formation to surround the vampire. When they are about to spring to dismember and kill, Bella suddenly runs and flings herself in front of the vampire.


Fade out.

SEQ . INT. Swan Living Room. Bella opens her eyes. She realizes that she’s on the sofa with a seated figure hovering over her.

How are you, Bella?

(wonderingly) Alice?

Alice smiles. Bella hugs her and finds herself beginning to sob.

Alice. I can’t… believe you’re really here. You smell… so good.

Alice runs a critical eye over Bella.

Pardon my saying so, Bella, but, you look like hell.

Alice takes a delicate sniff and wrinkles her nose.

And you stink.


(too calmly) Yeah, you stink.

Bella laughs through her crying and spots Jacob near the open window.

I don’t smell!

You smell like them!

Jacob and Alice confront each other.

Blood –

Mon –

Both of you, stop it!

Jacob and Alice back off at her request. Bella attempts to use civility to calm the tense atmosphere.

Alice, this is Jacob, my best friend.

(disbelieving) Your best friend is a young werewolf?!?

Jacob growls threateningly at her tone.

Yes, he’s my best friend. And he just saved my life!

I saw you jump. I waited and waited for you to come up, but you didn’t. I flew here to help Charlie with your funeral. He wasn’t home. I saw your tracks and decided to follow them. Then I saw you with –

It’s only the treaty that’s holding back the pack. They’re right outside. At my request.

How dare you threaten me?

Because of the Cullens, vampires have been terrorizing Bella.

What are you talking about? We left Forks so that Bella would be safe.

Well, it didn’t work.

You didn’t see Laurent in your visions? Or Victoria?

(hisses) Laurent and Victoria?!?

How did Victoria get through us?

She didn’t need to. Victoria got inspired by the Cullens and enrolled herself in Forks High School. (to Alice) You guys weren’t here so nobody could tell the difference. And I was in my own little hell and didn’t notice. She just made sure to keep her distance, while, of course, trying to kill me. And, she used Laurent to distract the pack and the authorities.

Alice concentrates on her vision. Jacob moves closer to Bella protectively.

(suspiciously) What’ she doing?

It’s okay, Jake.

Bells, I’m really sorry. I came back. But you were already gone. You almost got killed because I wasn’t here.

A flashback of Jacob seeing the bike gone and intuitively realizing that Bella has gone to the La Push cliffs.

SEQ. EXT. Rain forest. Edward is running ahead of Emmett, then suddenly stops to crouch defensively in the direction from where they’ve come from. Emmett copies his stance.

What’s wrong?

Someone’s tracking us. May or may not be one of us.

Emmett goes up a tree while Edward goes behind the trunk of another tree. When a figure appears, Emmett jumps to land on his back.

Emmett! You’ve messed up my hair! Get off me!


Monkey man!

Emmett grabs Rosalie and crushes her against a tree to kiss her passionately. The trunk breaks and drops from the force of impact. The lovers continue kissing.

Time to come home.

Cool! What about Victoria?

Another time. Another place. (meaningfully) Can you wait for me at the hotel, babe?


Emmett leaves. Edward comes out from behind the tree where he stayed to give the couple some privacy.

(impatiently) Why are you making dress patterns in your head, Rosalie? Don’t you think I know that Carlisle sent Emmett to babysit me? I don’t need to read his mind or yours to see that.

Alice had a vision. About Bella.

Edward becomes very still.

SEQ. INT. Swan Living Room. Jacob is shaking from his emotions of almost losing Bella. Alice realizes the danger and comes out of her vision.

Control yourself! Think of Bella!

I would never hurt Bella!

Like the way your pack almost killed her when you attacked me?

We didn’t know she would do anything so reckless and stupid!

Bella steps in between Alice and Jacob.

Hold it! Charlie’s house is neutral country. Understood?

Alice and Jacob back off.

(to Jacob) And, I am not reckless and stupid.

Then what do you call jumping in front of five attacking werewolves?

Before Bella could answer, the telephone rings.

(moaning) I’ve been so blind. Blind! I didn’t see any of these!

Bella motions to Jake to answer the phone while she comforts Alice.

Alice, you cannot possibly see everything.

Alice and Bella couldn’t help overhearing Jacob’s raised voice.

Charlie is at the funeral!

Jacob bangs down the phone. Alice starts to moan incoherently.

Alice, what’s wrong?

It’s Edward.

SEQ . EXT. Swan porch. Alice strides out with light bags. Bella follows hurriedly and trips on the threshold. Jacob, who is waiting on the porch, catches her.


As Bella looks up, she realizes that Jacob’s dark eyes are glistening with tears.

I’m begging, Bella. Don’t go. Don’t.

Bella gently intertwines her fingers with his to remove it from her face.

Jake, I have to –

No, you don’t. You really don’t. You could stay here. With me.

With you…

Bella, please. Please stay. Stay alive. For me.

Edward slowly approaches from her back and murmurs in her ear.

Bella, love, I only desire your happiness. With Jacob, you can have a normal life. Having children, a house, growing old together, and watching your grandchildren running around…

Dreamy images of her life together with Jacob flash in her mind’s eye as Edward describes the tranquil scene.

Your beautiful soul will be intact.

(to Jacob) I’m in shattered pieces.

I’ll put you back together. Just like a porcelain doll.

Jacob caresses her cheek and lowers his head.

True love.

First kiss.

Jacob gently touches his lips to Bella’s. Edward’s pain is in his eyes.

Stay. And be happy.

Alice materializes from the darkness, her face tormented.

Bella? Please. He’s my brother.

Bella moves away from Jacob’s embrace. Edward steps in front of her.

I would rather hurt myself than see you hurt in any way. Your life and your safety will always come first. Stay, Bella.

Bella turns and reaches out to Jacob.

This is page 7 of 7.

To read Part 4 — Romeo Must Not Die, please click here.

To read Part 2 — Shattered Pieces, please click here.

To read Part 1 — Severed Ties, please click here.

Lorna Lopez aka ATwilightKiss’ Notes This script version is my attempt to reconcile the literary world with the more visual medium of film. Just like in the Lord of the Rings, changes will be made to accommodate a driven story line, time constraints, and attention to character development.

Close to Home I wanted to bring the danger to Bella closer to home, which will make for a more riveting story line, while highlighting Edward’s mistaken notion that Bella is safer without him.

With this regard, Victoria’s talent for evasion has been elevated to a Shakespearean Iago level — attaining one’s objectives with a devious instead of a direct hand, thus, her enrollment in Forks High School and the stage related accidents.

I have depended on the Eclipse book for the rules regarding how to evade Alice’s visions, such as, avoidance of physical contact and no decision re harming Bella (which Riley employed when he got the clothes of Bella from her room), and sudden impetuous decisions (like when Bella suddenly decided to run away with Jacob), which, thankfully, worked well for Bella’s accidents, including the cliff scene.

The decision to have Victoria in Forks was also augmented by the fact that Twilight director Catherine Hardwicke showed Victoria during the film’s end attending the prom, which, in hindsight, was a bit illogical, since her vampire scent would have stood out among the humans, easily discernible to any of the Cullens, especially Edward, who is so over protective of Bella. That possibility did not exist in this particular script version because all the Cullens were gone.

Laurent I have expanded Laurent’s participation from “[getting] the lay of the land” to a more involved part in distracting the authorities and the pack. I staged Laurent’s death in the forest, instead of the meadow, because I wanted the Jacob and Bella scene to be shot there (see below).

I have also added a maneuver on Victoria’s part by making the pack believe she is out of the picture by hunting in the nearby areas when Laurent was killing in the Forks territory. When she found out that Laurent had been killed by the pack, her return to hunting within Forks was motivated by her anger by the loss of a useful “friend.”

Harry Clearwater’s death from a heart attack has been changed to a vampire attack for obvious dramatic reasons. The change has also given the opportunity to put in a part of the Quileute legends from Eclipse.

Jacob Black vs. Edward Cullen As Stephenie Meyer wrote on her site, “Bella falls in love with Jacob in New Moon.”

This New Moon script shows the remarkable similarities and differences between Jacob and Edward, laying the ground as to why, Bella will, most likely, fall in love with Jacob.

On one hand, Edward like scenes such as the “You’re beautiful” scene where Bella admires Jacob’s skin, the meadow scene where Bella and Jacob’s relationship shifts to a more serious one, and the bedroom scene where Jacob “breaks up” with Bella because of his desire to protect Bella from himself, will contrast with new experiences such as the bike scene and constant laughter when she’s with Jacob.

The Real and Hallucinatory Edward The only scene in Part 3 where it’s the real Edward is the one with Rosalie informing him about Alice’s vision about Bella.

The rules regarding the hallucinatory Edward are: he must appear when there is actual or impending danger to Bella and there must be no actual verbal exchange or physical contact. The times when Edward supposedly saved Bella were actually carried out by herself or other people.

Again, these devices are not meant to succumb to fans’ clamor for more of Robert Pattinson, but, a means to help the audience remember the Bella-Edward relationship, so as to increase the tension when Jacob makes his intentions and feelings clearer.

Romeo and Juliet Since several plot lines of the Shakespearean classic were used in New Moon, I only thought it fitting that it should be chosen as the play to be staged by the English class.

Rosalie Hale The decision to have Rosalie tell Edward despite the knowledge that he would go to the Volturi was based on her actions in Breaking Dawn when she was ready to go toe to toe with her whole family with regards to Renesmee.

And, as Rosalie admitted to Bella in Eclipse Chapter 7 Unhappy Ending, “With the dark curls… the dimples that showed even while he was grimacing in pain… the strange innocence that seemed so out of place on a grown man’s face… he reminded me of Vera’s little Henry. I didn’t want him to die — so much that even though I hated this life, I was selfish enough to ask Carlisle to change him for me.”

Rosalie does care for Edward, but, her priority to keep Emmett alive is much stronger.

Although this script is based on the Twilight saga, it will be faithful to the spirit of the books, but, not necessarily be faithful in every way as to how it’s presented in the books per se.


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