Zestaw 9 - Kultura, Matura ustna podstawowa


  1. Uzyskiwanie, udzielanie informacji

Pracujesz w punkcie informacji turystycznej. Turysta/Turystka z zagranicy pyta o okoliczne muzea.

- Poinformuj go/ją, jakie muzea znajdują się w okolicy.

- Udziel mu/jej wskazówek, jak może do jednego z nich dotrzeć.

- Poinformuj go/ją, gdzie może uzyskać dodatkowe informacje.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna egzaminujący/

A: Hello. I'm interested in the local museums. Are there any you could recommend to see?

B: Oh yes, we've got the Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Folk Culture, and there are a number of exhibitions on. They are described in this brochure. Here you are.

A: Thank you very much. How can I get to them? Are they far?

B: In the brochure you have the addresses and the relevant public transport with maps.

A: Wonderful. Is there any museum I should see?

B: Actually yes. You could start with Archaeological Museum. Take the number 18 bus from the bus station and get off at the third stop.

A: Thank you very much. Is there any other tourist information centre like this one near here?

B: Yes, but perhaps you could ask the receptionist at the hotel where you are staying. And, on the map that I'm giving you here you have all the places of historical interest. You can use it, too.

A: Thank you so much, you've been very helpful.

B: You're welcome. I hope you'll enjoy your stay here.

  1. Relacjonowanie wydarzeń

Opowiadasz znajomym Anglikom o koncercie na wolnym powietrzu w londyńskim Hyde Parku. Powiedz:

- jakiego rodzaju był to koncert,

- jak doszło do tego, że tam się znalazłeś/znalazłaś,

- jak przebiegał ten koncert.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: I went to a concert in Hyde Park last night. It was a pop and rock concert.

B: Really? And you could get the tickets just like that?

A: No, I didn't get a ticket. I didn't have to. It was some kind of event, “Live in Hyde Park” or something like that. Of course the tickets were available and there were long queues. You know, I was coming back home from a trip around London. I was very tired and I just wanted to sit down for about an hour to rest. I decided not to buy a ticket, because I didn't really want to go to that concert. I sat down about thirty metres from the place where the concert was going to be. It was in the open air and the area was surrounded by a high fence. But I could see part of the stage on the other side anyway. So I decided to stay and listen to the concert for free.

B: Oh, right. Was it interesting?

A: Oh, yes. After about an hour the concert started and you could hear everything and see the musicians on stage. There was this huge screen for the audience inside the fence but people on the outside could see most of it, too.

B: So how many artists did you manage to see?

A: You see. I left after two hours and it wasn't the end of it. I listened to Sting, Robbie Williams and some bands I don't know at all. Each of them sang for about fifteen minutes. It was good because it wasn't boring that way.

B: So you could say you went to a concert but you didn't.

A: Yes, it's very true. Of course I didn't see the artists close enough, but I can live with that, you know.

B: Yes, indeed. It was good fun anyway, wasn't it?

A: Oh, yes, it was.

  1. Negocjowanie

Przebywasz w Nowym Jorku. Twoi znajomi chcą zaprosić Cię do kina.

- Zaproponuj gatunek filmu, który by Ci odpowiadał.

- Odrzuć ich propozycję wspólnego obejrzenia ambitnego filmu polskiego i podaj uzasadnienie.

- Zaproponuj rozwiązanie kompromisowe i wyjaśnij, dlaczego uważasz je za lepsze.

/Rozmowę rozpoczyna zdający/

A: Going to the cinema is a really good idea. But I don't know what is on. There must be a lot to see in New York. Could we see a comedy for example? You know, something that would suit everyone.

B: Actually we were thinking of going to see a Polish movie. We've heard they're good. You know, Wajda, Kieślowski. We've found one that might be good for everyone. That's `The Promised Land' by Wajda.

A: You mean that film from the 1970s? I'm sure we may rent a DVD with this film. Why don't we go and see something more modern?

B: OK then. What do you suggest? Do you have any ideas?

A: In fact, I do. If you want something Polish, you won't be disappointed. Let's see `Catherine and Peter' by the Polish director Agnieszka Holland.

B: OK. It sounds like a very good idea.

Zadanie 2 Rozmowa na podstawie ilustracji

The picture shows a small child who is listening to a band of musicians playing in the street. The child may be a boy of about three years old. He is standing in the bottom right hand corner of the picture. He's dressed in a white cap, blue and green jacket with a red hood, and dark trousers. He is standing with his back to the camera and looking carefully at the musicians. There are six members of the band. All of them look about 50 to 60 years old. They are playing various musical instruments [the clarinet, the drums, the banjo, the cello, and the saxophone. In front of the saxophone player there are two open suitcases]. In the background of the picture I can see some buildings and trees. The picture has probably been taken on a bridge with a view of the whole town.

  1. Does the small child like the music that the band is playing or not? Why do you think so?

In my opinion the child is listening to the music with pleasure. He is listening, so he must like the music. He probably wants to know who the people are and why they are playing in the street. I think that the men are playing their music just for him and maybe for his parents.

  1. What kind of music do you like listening to?

I like rock, jazz and classical music. I think I can say that the kind of music I listen to depends on my mood and the situation. For example, I'd say that for me the best music for meeting friends is jazz or sometimes pop and rock. When I go to a club, I like salsa because it is best for dancing. But when I want to relax in peace and quiet, I very often prefer a symphony or a concerto. I like Mozart and Beethoven best.


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