Czasy + wypracowania, Gramatyka i słownictwo, I


Zadanie 1

Podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź.

Przykład: I like going out / go out / to go out on Saturdays.

  1. Her mother is a /- / an university teacher.

  2. My birthday is at / on / in 5 July.

  3. What time did they arrive to / at / on the airport?

  4. I prefer juice than / then / to tea.

  5. I'm pleased Tony's here. He's such a / so / such nice boy.

  6. When we were abroad we spent too many / too much / lot of money.

  7. 'Where are you going?' 'I'm going to get a bread / some bread / loaf of bread.'

  8. The test was quite easy - easier that / more easy than / easier than we expected.

  9. He didn't pass the exam despite / although / in spite of he worked hard.

  10. We're good friends. We've known each other since / from / for a long time.

  11. Paula's been working very hardly / hard / hardly ever.

  12. I met a cousin of me / myself / mine at the party.

13. They aren't leaving tonight. Nor am I. / Nor do I. / So am I.

14. When was that postcard sent / has that postcard been sent / that postcard was sent?

15. 'What did you do / were you doing / you were doing when you saw an accident?' ' I called an


16. When I got home there was nobody there. Everybody was leaving / had left / left.

17. Who taught / did teach / has taught you English last year?

18. If he have / has / will have more free time, he will join the club.

19. She'd like to know what time the museum opens / does the museum open / opens the museum.

20. Let's watch a tennis championship, don't we / shall we / will we?

21. I wish I have / would have / had a computer. It would make my life easier.

22. Are you looking forward to see / to seeing / seeing Helen again?

23. Peter told me / said me / told that he was going to be away this week.

24. Look at those clouds! I think it can / must / might rain.

25. Jim used to drink / was drinking / was used to drink milk but he doesn't any more.

........./ 25 pkt


Zadanie 2

Wykreśl słowo / wyrażenie, które nie pasuje do czasownika. W jednym przypadku wszystkie słowa / wyrażenia są poprawne.


catch: a train / fire / a cold / new friends

  1. make: friends / a mistake / homework / the bed

  2. have: fun / a noise / a party / a meal

  3. lose: a race / your way / a friend / weight

  4. play: on someone's nerves / music / on your PC / games

  5. take: exams / part in a race / a wedding / off your shoes

  6. get: a job / up early / a good time / on with someone

  7. become: ill / extinct / a teacher / in danger

  8. do: the housework / the shopping / a party / well at school

............/ 8 pkt Zadanie 3

Uzupełnij zdania wybierając odpowiednie wyrazy z ramki. Każdą lukę możesz uzupełnić tylko jednym słowem.

cook, suitable, lent, bored, old, loudly, recipe, whether, crossing, enjoy, listen, weather

zebra, sensible, cooker, borrowed, pocket money, sensitive, aloud, boring, adults, fashionable

prescription, cheques

  1. It's hard reading .....................when you don't understand the words.

  2. Cars have to stop for you if you use a pedestrian........................... .

  3. What kind of music do you ......................... ?

  4. Sue never does anything silly. She's very........................ .

  5. Tony is a keen.......................... .

  6. Paul........................... some money from me but didn't pay it back.

  7. Jim gets........................if he has to study too much.

  8. Most teenagers are given spend by their parents.

  9. Children are not allowed to see this film. It's for ........................ .

  10. The doctor gave Rachel a ...............................for some medicine.

  11. I don't know see that film or not.

  12. Not all clothes are....................for work or school.

3 ...............12 pkt

Zadanie 4

Uzupełnij tekst zakreślając prawidłową odpowiedź: a, b, c, lub d.


English is the first language of (0)...........people in countries outside the United Kingdom. When you (1)......................speakers of English from around the world, you (2).................notice that

they do not all speak in the same way. There are also some (3) the words they use, including the names of (4)......................objects that are part of everyone's daily life. But although pronunciation and (5) .......................are not the same everywhere, it is interesting that English speakers (6) ...................opposite sides of the world can understand (7) ................ other quite easily. It does not seem to (8)..................where they learnt the language. And of course this is one reason why speakers of other languages are keen (9)....................learning English too. If you know English, you are more (10) be able to study or work in all sorts of exciting places, such as the United States or Australia.


                  1. a many b much c most d more

  1. a recognise b meet c find d attend

  2. a originally b strangely c curiously d immediately

  3. a mistakes b corrections c changes d differences

  4. a common b popular c favourite d general

  5. a reading b composition c dictation d vocabulary

  6. a of b in c from d at

  7. a each b one c the d some

  8. a mind b care c matter d worry

  9. a by b on c to d for

  10. a likely b probably c possibly d luckily

.............../ 10 pk



Zadanie 1

Podkreśl poprawną odpowiedź.

Przykład: I'm very busy. Would you mind / Let's giving me a hand.

  1. If I were you, I'd write / How about you write the letter again.

  2. Why don't we go / going to the cinema tonight?

  3. Could you / Would you mind open the window please?

  4. Do you like / Would you like some more coffee?

  5. I promise. I don't do it / I won't do it again.

  6. I'm quite good at French too. Would I help / Shall I help you?

  7. I have a suggestion. Why don't you go / Could you go to the gym?

  8. Would I wait / Could I wait here?

  9. Are you tired? I think you should go / you can go to bed early.

  10. 'Would you like an ice-cream or some cake?' 'I choose / I'll have ice-cream, please'.

................/ 10 pkt

Zadanie 2

Gdzie usłyszysz poniższe wypowiedzi? Wybierz jedną z podanych możliwości i napisz odpowiednią literę obok każdego fragmentu.

A at a police station .......... 1. Can I help you?

B at a Lost Property Office Yes, do you have this brand of toothpaste in stock?

C in an office

D in a shop .......... 2. Only Cleaneasy gives you that fresh,

E at the dentist's sweet-smelling taste.

F as part of a TV news bulletin

G as part of a TV advertisement .......... 3. Will you have to take it out?

H as part of a TV quiz programme I'm afraid so. You eat too many sweets.

That's the trouble.

......... 4. Look at this! I think I've lost two teeth!

Now tell me again calmly, sir. How did this happen?

Were you alone?

.......... 5. She said that while free false teeth will continue

to be provided for retired people, it will be necessary

to make a charge in other cases.

............/ 5 pkt



Przeczytaj uważnie poniższy artykuł a następnie wykonaj znajdujące się pod nim zadania.

Next door but a different world

A.............What do Anthony Hopkins and Catherine Zeta-Jones have in common? Not many people

know that these famous stars come from a small country called Wales, or Cymru in Welsh.This wild and mountainous land is situated in the western part of Britain. It is only 21,760 square kilometres but it has three beautiful national parks and over seven hundred miles of wonderful coast. In the north, Mount Snowdon at 1,085 metres is the highest mountain in England and Wales.

B..............The Welsh are the oldest native Britons. Like the Scots and the Irish, they are the descendants of the ancient Celts who arrived in Britain between 2000 and 1000 BC. Later invasions of people from northern Europe pushed the Celts westwards into the mountains of Wales. For centuries, the Welsh defended their land and their culture against the English. Then, in the 15th century, a Welshman became King of England and the two countries became Great Britain.

C..............The Welsh people have their own parliament called the Welsh National Assembly. Its home is in the capital city, Cardiff, and it has sixty elected members. It is responsible for many aspects of Welsh life but it doesn't have the power to make laws. These are still made in the Parliament in Westminster.

D...............The people of Wales have a unique cultural identity. There is a strong culture of words and music, of poetry and song. This tradition was developed by the bards. They were poets who travelled around the country singing and telling stories of ancient times. This tradition is still alive today and Wales is often called the land of song. Many great singers like Tom Jones come from Wales and its male choirs are world famous. The most important national event is the National Eisteddfod, which is a festival of music and poetry.

E...............But today, the most important symbol of Wales identity is the Welsh language. It is the oldest language in Great Britain and one of the oldest in Europe. It is a Celtic language with the same linguistic origins as Irish and Scotish Gaelic. But modern Welsh is very different from these Gaelic languages. The closest language is Breton, which is still spoken in some parts of Brittany in western France.

F...............A generation ago, Welsh was disappearing. But there has been a revival of the language in the last twenty years. Everyone in Wales can speak English but for about twenty per cent of the population, the mother tonque is Welsh. Today, road signs and official documents are in both Welsh and English, there are Welsh newspapers and television channels and Welsh is a compulsory school subject. Today, it is one of the most successful of Europe's regional languages and it is the only Celtic language which is not endangered.


Zadanie 1

Dopasuj nagłówki (1-7) do poszczególnych części artykułu i wpisz w luki (A - F). Jednego nagłówka nie potrzebujesz.

  1. The Welsh language today

  2. Cultural identity

  3. An ancient language

  4. Government

  5. History

  6. Technology

  7. Geography

................./6 pkt

Zadanie 2

Na podstawie tekstu zadecyduj, czy poniższe informacje są prawdziwe (T), fałszywe (F) lub nie ma o nich wzmianki (NM).

1 The Welsh people are the descendants of the ancient Scots. ................

  1. Great Britain was formed in the fifteenth century. ................

  2. There is a strong written tradition in Wales. ................

  3. The Bretons in France speak language that is similar to Welsh. ................

  4. The Welsh have emigrated to many different countries. .................

.................../ 5 pkt

Zadanie 3

Znajdź w artykule poniższe słowa / wyrażenia i odpowiedz na pytania. Zakreśl a lub b.

  1. Does in common mean........?

a to have different experiences

b to have similar experiences

  1. Were native Britons.......?

a the first inhabitants in Britain

b people who arrived later

  1. Is a symbol........?

a something which is not Welsh

b something that represents Welsh identity

4. Does a revival of the language mean......?

a more people are speaking the language

b fewer people are speaking the language

............../ 4 pkt



Zadanie 1

Dopasuj nazwy (1-8) do ich definicji (A-J). Dwie definicje nie pasują do żadnej nazwy.

  1. Mount Mc Kinley ............... A the official residence of the Queen

  2. Wall Street ............... B the US flag

  3. Buckingham Palace ............... C the place where you can see the Crown Jewels

  4. Stonehenge ............... D the home of the Prime Minister

  5. Mount Rushmore ............... E the British flag

  6. the Tower of London ............... F a huge monument carved from mountains

  7. the Union Jack ............... G the financial centre of the USA

  8. the House of Lords ............... H the upper house of the British Parliament

............... I Britain's most famous prehistoric monument

................ J the highest mountain in the USA

................../ 8 pkt

Zadanie 2

Zadecyduj, czy zdania poniżej są prawdziwe (T) czy fałszywe (F).

  1. Americans celebrate Independence Day on 4th June. ................

  2. Crackers are associated with Christmas. ................

  3. A kilt is a Scotish musical instrument. ................

  4. Thanksgiving is an American holiday. ................

  5. Jack - o'- lanterns are Easter decoration. ................

  6. 'A Christmas Carol' was written by Oskar Wilde. ................

  7. You usually write your name on a Valentine card. ................

................../ 7 pkt

RAZEM:................../ 100 PKT


Opracowała: mgr Regina Siemiończyk


0x08 graphic





Czas trwania: 90 min

Gramatyka i słownictwo

Praktyczne stosowanie języka

Rozumienie tekstu czytanego

Wiedza o krajach anglojęzycznych


/ 55

/ 15

/ 15

/ 15

/ 100




Zanim przystąpisz do testu zapoznaj się z instrukcją:



W każdym zadaniu za każdą poprawną odpowiedź przyznajemy jeden punkt. Maksymalnie można uzyskać 100 punktów.


Zad. 1 (25 pkt)

1. a

  1. on 14. was that postcard sent

  2. at 15. did you do

  3. to 16. had left

  4. such a 17. taught

  5. too much 18. has

  6. some bread 19. the museum opens

  7. easier than 20. shall we

  8. although 21. had

  9. for 22. to seeing

  10. hard 23. told me

  11. mine 24. might

  12. Nor am I 25. used to drink

Zad. 2 (8 pkt)

  1. homework

  2. a noise

  3. poprawne

  4. on someone's nerves

  5. a wedding

  6. a good time

  7. in danger

  8. a party

Zad. 3 (12 pkt)

1. aloud

  1. crossing

  2. enjoy

  3. sensible

  4. cook

  5. borrowed

  6. bored

  7. pocket money

  8. adults

  9. prescription

  10. whether

  11. suitable

Zad. 4 (10 pkt)

1. b 2. d 3. d 4. a 5. d 6. c 7. a 8. c 9. b 10. a


Zad. 1 (10 pkt)

  1. I'd write 6. Shall I help

  2. go 7. Why don't you go

  3. Could you 8. Could I wait

  4. Would you like 9. you should go

  5. I won't do it 10. I'll have

Zad. 2 (5 pkt)

1D 2G 3E 4A 5F


Zad. 1 (6 pkt)

A7 B5 C4 D2 E3 F1

Zad. 2 (5 pkt)

1F 2T 3F 4T 5 NM

Zad. 3 (4 pkt)

1b 2a 3b 4a


Zad. 1 (8 pkt)

1J 2G 3A 4I 5F 6C 7E 8H

Zad. 2 (7 pkt)

1F 2T 3F 4T 5F 6F 7F


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