047 (12)

047 (12)


B: Weil, when I got home from work last night I felt nauseous and my vision was blurry. Then I vomited and started to get the most awful headache. I went to bed early but I couldn't sleep for the pain.

A: Did you see the doctor?

B: Yes, I went this morning. He said l've had a migraine attack. I've never had one before.

A: Did he prescribe you anything?

B: Yes, he gave me some painkillers and a medicine that stops you from vomiting. The thing is, he advised me not to go to work today. He wants me to stay home and rest, lying down in a dark room.

A: When do you think you might be able to return to work? Is there any chance you might be able to come in tomorrow? We have a lot of deadlines to meet this month, you see.

B: Weil, I can't promise anything. The doctor toid me migraines can last for up to three days, but I already feel a bit better with the painkillers. If I can't make it tomorrow, NI give you a cali in the morning. Is that all right?

A: Of course, Laura. I hope you feel better soon.

B: Thank you. Mr Brannigan.

Use of English (pp. 114-115)

1    1 did Luisa know

2    did feel too

3    no circumstances should the

4    is it that you are

5    only feel better if you

6    the patient needs is

7    was the nurse who called

8    had no idea that

9    you see Pete, you will

2    1 no account must you put

2    working out morę will you

3    sooner had the doctor walked

4    does Erica drop by

5    did I know that

6    you run out of medication

7    was so bad

8    no time did Gary suspect

9    Alex who put forward

3    1 is the matter with him

2    no circumstance should you take

3    took part in the discussion

4    not been for her friends

4    1 poisonous 3 goes

2 be lowered 4 scientists

5    1    A    3    A    5    C    7    A    9C

2 D 4 D 6 D 8 D 10 B

6    1 played 2 According 3 Since 4 there

Pisanie (pp. 116-117)

1    1 readers of the online newspaper

2 reasons why doctors' surgeries are so busy, suggestions on how to ease doctors' workloads, the expected outcome of your suggestions

2    1    D    2    C    3    E    4    A    5B

3    Make suggestions: The situation could be improved if, Another solution could be, It would also be a good idea to

Present results: In this way, This would mean that, If ..., the result would be

4    a) 1 b 2 d    3a    4c

b) Suggested Answers

2    It would help if you arrange to go to the gym with a friend. By doing this, you would be less tempted to skip exercise sessions.

3    The situation could be improved if Office employees were encouraged to take regular breaks. The effect of this would be to reduce stress and make workers morę productive.

4    Another solution could be to vary school dinner menus every week. This would mean children are less likely to get bored with the meals and go back to eating junk food.

5    1 d    2 c    3 b    4 a

6    Suggested Answer Finding Time for Fitness

People today lead busy hectic lifestyles, particularly if they are working nine-to-five, and this means it can be hard to fit a regular exercise routine into their daily Schedule. Nevertheless, setting aside time to keep fit is vitally important.

A useful suggestion would be to work out exactly what spare time you have and what exercise you intend to do, and then stick to that Schedule rather than leaving things to chance. If you follow a set routine, the result will be greater organisation and a morę effective use of your spare time.

Another solution could be to avoid using sports clubs or gyms that are far away from where you live. Instead, look for facilities in your own area or even create your own informal exercise group with friends. Then, not


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