Przykładowy zestaw egzaminacyjny

impossible for old secondary school friends to look you up.

Ali things considered, although there are some cons of keeping your personal information secret, my opinion is that being discreet on the Internet is extremely important. People shouldn't put themselves at financial or personal risk.

2 Today, due to increasingly cheaper airline costs, it is possible on a limited budget to travel to far off destinations and experience other cultures far different from your own. In my opinion, travel is very important as it improves a person's character considerably.

In the first place, travel helps us become tolerant of other cultures, making us less prone to racism. Racism, which is a problem in many countries, is basically caused by an irrational fear of people we don't understand. But by travelling to other countries and experiencing their cultures we can realise that people from foreign lands are not so different from us, with similar hopes, fears and goals in life.

Secondly, travelling to poorer regions can make people morę appreciative of the comfortable lifestyles they have at home. Sometimes, people can live in a bubble and not realise that a huge percentage of the world's population live in poverty. Seeing this helps make people realise their good fortunę and can encourage them to get involved in charity.

In conclusion, travelling abroad can really help develop a person's character. This is particularly important for young people, but certainly one is never too old to realise the benefits of seeing other places and other cultures around the world.

Część ustna (pp. 321-322)

Rozmowa wstępna - Suggested Answers


1    I live in a two-storey detached house. It has a flight of stairs going up to three bedrooms; minę, my sister's and my mum and dad's. It has a great big living room and a kitchen where we eat dinner every night. /1 live in a fiat with my mum and brother. It has three bedrooms and a big living room. We don't have a garden, but we don't really need one now that we're older.

2    I like the fact that my house has a big garden so that my sister and I could run around when we were younger. I remember that we used to have a big slide in the garden and in the summer we'd always have a paddling pool to swim in. /1 love having a big bedroom. It's orange, my favourite colour. I spend most of my time in my room because our fiat is smali and there's not a lot of privacy.

3    Every few years, my father paints the entire house and he always makes my sister and I help him. He says that it's good to do things together and that it gives us a chance to spend morę time together as a family. / I don't really help to decorate my home. I only like to help if it's my bedroom that's being decorated - I like to make surę that it's done perfectly!

4    There are lots of things for people to do in my area. There's the cinema that shows new films every week, the park where a lot of young people go and there are

also cafes where I go to meet my friends at the weekend for coffee, and then we go to a big shopping centre to buy clothes. / No, there's not a lot for young people to do in my area. There's a park that we can go to, but there's no other entertainment or places for us to go. It's a really boring place to live.

5    I would love to have a beach where I live. I love the water but we don't live near enough to the coast to be able to see it every day. If I could change something, then it would be to have a beach in our town!


6    I love watching most TV programmes, but I especially enjoy watching dramas like Gossip Girl and reality shows like The Hills. I love American TV and spend hours watching it. / I don't really enjoy watching TV. I prefer to watch films rather than TV programmes. The only TV that l'll watch is the news; other than that I prefer to listen to musie or to read to entertain myself.

7    I usually go to the cinema once a week with my friends. I like to keep up with new film releases and it's a nice way for us to spend time together. It's a place that a lot of young people go to so we always see a lot of people that we know. /1 don't go to the cinema often. In fact, I haven't been for a really long time! I tend to go to the cinema when there's a new film out that I really want to see. Other than that I wait for films to come out on DVD - I don't like the thought of sitting with lots of strangers to watch a film!

8    I spend a lot of time listening to musie. Whether l'm doing my homework or on the bus on the way to school, l'm always listening to something! The kind of musie that I listen to changes a lot, but I especially love the blues and country musie. At the moment my favourite singers are Michael Buble and Taylor Swift. They have brought a younger sound to an older kind of musie. /1 don't spend much time listening to musie.

I don't really have much free time because I play a lot of sport and spend time training or playing. When I do listen to musie, I love to listen to my favourite bands, Coldplay and Radiohead. They really help to relax me after a hard training session or match.

9    I prefer reading books because I can use my imagination. I love being creative and when I read l'm able to make up a world in my head and imagine characters the way that I want to. /1 don't like reading books, but I love to read magazines. Fashion is important to me so I buy a few magazines every week to see the latest trends and am interested in what celebrities are wearing.

10    I love going to the theatre to watch a play or a musical. When I was younger, my parents would always take me to the theatre and I still love going. Drama is my favourite subject at school and I hope to be an actress one day and follow in the footsteps of Julie Andrews, a legendary film and theatre actress.

Podróżowanie i turystyka

11    For my last holiday my family and I went to Disneyworld in Florida. It was a busy two weeks but we had a lot of fun in the parks meeting many Disney characters and going on the rides - although some of them were very frightening! We also spent a few days



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