

We. the people of the United States, in order to form a morę perfect Union, establish justicc. insure domestie tranąuility. provide for the common defense. promotc the generał welfare, and secure the blessing of Liberty to ourselve$ and our posterity do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.


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08unx16 Preamble We, the people of the United States, in order to form a morę perfect Union. establi
08unx20 Preamble We. the pcoplc of tbc United States. in order to form a morę perfect Union, establi
08unx02 We. ihc pcople of ihe United State*., in order to form a moce perfect Union. establish justi
08unx07 We, the people of tła; United States, in order to form a morc pcrfcct Unioo. establish justi
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08unx08 We. thc peoplc ot thc United States, in order to form a morc pcrfcct Union, esublish justicc
08unx05 Wc. thc pcoplc otf tbe United States, in order to form a morę perfect Union, establish justk

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