1 Proteasom S

1 Proteasom S

Figurę 32-84 X-ray struclure of the I. acidophilum 20S proteasomc. (a) Ribbon diagram. viewed with its 7-fold axis tippcd toward the viewer by 20°, in which the u subunits arc pink and the (i subunits are light blue exccpt for one u subunit (left) and a similarly oriented (i subunit (middle). which arc both colorcd in rainbow order from thcir N-termini (blue) to their C-tcrmini (red). Notę thcir close structural resemblancc. (b) Diagram. viewed as in Part a, in which the subunits are represented by equal-sized spheres with a subunits pink and p subunits light blue. (c) Surface diagram. viewed along a 2-fold axis. with the subunits nearest the viewer removed to cxpose the proteasomc’s triple-chambered internal cavity, which is maximally ~100 A long and ~60 A in diameter.The active sites on the p subunits arc marked by the bound inhibitor. LLnL, which is drawn in stick form in yellow. |Part a based on an X-ray structure by and Part c courtesy of Robert Huber. Max-Planck-Institut fdr Biochemie. Martinsried. Germany. PDBid 1PMA.]



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