11 webbig

11 webbig

Crowning Touch


Aboul TU’ widc x 8'W high Materials:

Worsied weight yarn. 3 oz (210 yds, 90 gm$) Bedspread-weight crochet collon. two 225yd balls Notę: One of our photographed purses was madę with Red Hcarf Class*c,w Tan *334 and J. & P. Coais’ Knit-Cro-Sheen* Ecru *61; the other was madę wilh Red Heart* Ctassic™ Royal *385 and Southmaid' Dark Royal *487.

Size E (3.5mml crochet hook. or size reguired for gaogc

Size 16 tapestry needle


13 sc-3*


Notę: Purse is worked holding one strand of yarn and one strand of thread tog. unless other-wisc specified.


Noto: Body is worked in joined rows.

Starting at t>ottom of body. with both strands held tog. ch 66; join to form a ring.

Row 1 (right sidc):

Ch 1, sc in same ch as joining and in each rem ch; join in first sc—66 sc. Ch 1, turn.

Row 2:

Sc in first st, dc in next sc; * sc in next sc. dc in next sc; rep from * 31 times moro; join in first sc.

Ch 1. turn.

Row 3:

Sc in each st; join in first sc—66 sc. Ch 1. turn.

Rows 4 through 29:

Rep Rows 2 and 3 thirteon times moro. At end of Row 29. do not ch 1. Ch 8. turn.

Top Trim:

Notę: Top Trim is worked in rnds.

Rnd 1:

Sk first 5 sc; sl st in noxt sc; * ch 8. sk ncxt 4 sc. sl st in next sc; rep from * 11 times morę; join with an sc in sp formed by turning ch-8—13 ch-8 sps.

Rnd 2:

In same sp as joining work (3 sc, ch 3. 4 sc); in each rem ch-8 sp work (4 sc, ch 3.4 sc); join in first sc.

Rnd 3:

Sl st in next 3 sc and in next ch-3 sp; in same sp work (ch 3. sl st) 3 times; * ch 2, sl st in next ch-3 sp. in same sp work (ch 3. sl st) 3 times; rep from * 11 times morę; ch 2, sk joining sl st and next 3 st sts; join in next sl st.

Finish off and weave in ends.



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