Materials and Tools t

Quill Ouiky & Quill Designer — Q 1

Ouilling Paper, White — Q 2

Ouilling Paper, Colorcd - Q 3

I Rcds— Plnks Lawndcr 3 Kłuci

4 Green*    i Yfllowi

7 OranKos Krowns    I 0 Mulił Colorcd

Ouilling Workboard — Q 4

Curling Tool, Set of 3 — TCR 6

Super Tacky Craft Glue - WG 40

Clear Sealer, 12 oz. aerosol can - PEI 16

Pins. 300 per box, 3/4" - FS 64

Corsage Pins, 2" - FS 53 or FS 54

T-Pins - FSR 66

Smali Craft Scissors — FSR 104

Mylar - PR 248

Jewcls & Pearls


Palettc Knife or Spatula




IMOTE: Stock numbers listecl in this book identify H.P.H.

Products and are includcd for your convenience in ordering

materials and tools from your local craft storę.

hou) to enlarge or reduce a design

The simplest and most accurate method of making a design fit a given area is by using the grid system.

Tracę the design and divide area into even squares as shown in Fig. 5. Squares should measure 1/8" for smali designs, and 'A" or 1" for proportionately larger designs. Squares for the larger designs in this book should be 'A".

On tracing paper, tracę the outline of area in which design is supposed to fit, and di-vide this area into the same number of squares as on the first tracing. To enlarge design, squares on second tracing have to be larger. Copy outline of design from first tracing onto larger squares.

To reduce design, make squares correspond-ingly smaller.

1 1 J_l

1 f




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