

ni iwppi. iknrlif ill i»l ni i~r fail. They tuwjld sho.lv »<■»« ©aUol, defcod tka COMtry, watek Ux1 cmcay, pr1    ec.Tey or tood iaformttloo, 1<., fte-

BioM thia płaa tu propoied, peobablt tata; kcee» of    t«t-e!i. (4 »y nołbscj

•f iłw ©nart, ui(M Jur1 Wm doUrojed or eaptured, with littto or co ri«V.

To (ho1 what can be, by what l1mV:«a dooe, ko tk© folłowiii1


Tlaa capUir© of Ib# ateamer tJł. NiehoU1 ut>d otber tesieU by (.‘om. Hollint and Col. Ttooaai. Tbatof tbetteemerFoabyCapt. Aodrewa, aod ISdarlitrmm froco Mobilu. Thm oftkortaam toirBoitcc.arid tb© buro Ing of two barka by Capt Duke »wl 12 nmifrom sa»© płaco. Tbal of the 8e1 Bird oe«r Norih Ca roli na co»»t. The Mowiog np of tbe lai-ge gsa boat Oairo oa tb© Yazoo by torpedo2. Yariou1 capie ret »ud deatructiom of t1o1t» «»J tmm!i la ibe Mhu»ippi araJ ©łber rirtn, ae-J aloog our coa1t. trkkłi 111 tautt bale aeco coeoliOoed in tbe papert 1


By adoplio1 on-l oi-jęanizinjc lh'ł «lyl« of warfare, we łba li Irrgelr iner2K fifili1/; /<wt». Tot mony dri»en ;v1jth, owmg totheir tympatbrwhb m.-tOm-Stirryłwłefioitd Ooi. awarlaoi, foreigner1, roaoy of our own poople who hav« kepi and will kecpottl of regn-lar nerelee, men om 8ęe, łte.. itc., will all be broughl to our Hid by Hic induneineiłi1 pro»©ntedt and tbougli 1©inewhjt uetualed by cupidily, will be rctlruilied from esceiM'1 by milltary iiutliority and rcgulalion1. Moróoeęr.I hav© reaaon lo hope lbat otpiiel f1r tke>< purptui telli eome in from ime1|2eled ♦ouree1.

Soch barwli t>o-jW work etery Variel)' of approted dnlrutluc fipcJk.Mnf III© cb>1 he-ld io 1iew Nretici. koown to warfarr. oe tbal may be lotoeud aod Mnclkoed—©ter1 Tariety of torpedot?, a>l moJc1 of 2©rk<r£ łbemdefeoiiiely 1nd ©C«OM»tly, >abtnarie.e boau. arnaor and Otber contriTir.eeaof tb»t kitd.

Tb«» wouki dith oci T«teN and ileaeoboaU in «=taH t-oatt. Jod opiorę them, or l!.ey mijbldreocb thern wiih tpirita of Mtpenime and otber icemdiaey o»U<r. rnd burn theiu. Aed at (»o» been propo.ied. ambułatmj; bert eorp1 cooM b< or/anu«d; lh« bc-att. howii/-era, &©., 00 pontoon wajytnt. Jłoeh a eorpt couM o>ov© ^utcWJy from b«y to bay, or ri1cr to rłver, aoil make fre-pient aurprinca.

Tbey couW ll« In wali at woód-yard1 uml coplur© orUeitroy tteamera, bum Ibe wood at wood1yard», burn eotton, aod <le1troy Yunkco projKirly genenilly,

Uck oo a plac© lifłd by tb© enemy.

Blow up railroad train1 to preienl reiiifoi-eemrni^ aiid ^upplie1 <1    ' haUtc or un al

fo abort, tKey trould oSeeluale tbflr p'jfby crrtr 1arirly ul    icnł and próba-

bly derłae aod earry oat many toi ko1 eooeeiifd of. 'Tbey merely 1»»ot autborUy, aod tbe eofoorageoent ©f eouateśar.«, aiwl tbe bmmirthtmfler peopó2d.


'Ilia foltowuig MflddcntiMi thow wby ibe Coternment OHjht lo eontml. to a cert rui ©tleni, ili« me»n» and meaaucer in tpiealntn. Do they not olu» ien.1 ttronjęły to show tkat tba ,tr1tera enn only be pcrfecteil hv Ji.ttiu;; a f-ureru ai tbo head of ił’

I. Tboy om ppoperly u part uf Oic uu-rn1 awl m^inery of war, und by beluj; syMemat-i/.ed, ROtcrned nnddiracted by 1uperior Inlellect and rkill, iOttnad of belnc left to indi-tidnal, Irrrgubr, and ill prepared e«1brt«. they willhe proiceuted t<» a mueli widcrc\teni, wi«h morę adi^uatc roeam. aort wllh imily jtemer cireei. Tliero would noccwarily bo Ibai eomnm.d aod applicalion of mtan. ade^usu- to tbe cnd. wbieb i« Ib© preat dci!drr1-Im iii war.

-■ !<ucb tfenline twld tbut r.lw»t% U- njrtc Tv eon1i1i and not c'1dKcl teiib resular ailiUry operationy, sod oot ucfre<ji>ently to aid IheM- Kor :n»taił«, tiku tbe ea1« of 6rc-a^óp1 and U>r^<doet in oarrl banfe1. and bhowing up of railr»v] liam1 trilh torpedoet. 10 prtieot tbe aerital of rrinfneeemeat1 and ttpplięt of tbe enemy during a greal bjitle.f


lattejy t»e ba»r had tbe followm;: Tho d2lrncliufi uf ibe l)e Kulb, a tar^e gun boat on th© Yazoo, by x torpedo; tbe Ji^ablinj; of a pmboat in famr1 rieer by Ib© tamc meana; tb© cupiurn uf iwo pin boals an<l tiiher t eitel1 in Ibe Che.1apcake, by u "party uuder Licht. Wood.of tbr Naty; ih« blowing up of »ev©ra! railroad trama by torpedott"; llie deilme-łion of tb© Kuli, ai Lslatid No. JD, willi 3<lHve1. 1&ft00,0(«)aiid 1.1WI lon1 commitsarr and olboralorea; Ib© eapiore of i©vcn vevtel« on tire- AUatdic e«a1t, by Aclmc Matter lteaK aod 26 nnt U>« buroiog of tb© »i< ateamboai1 on lh© Mi»t<«fippi ’ri«er. Thn.eapiurc b\ L»eot. Wood aod Actiog .M»»ter Brali tiodieatc tl.e auggetlion abo«»t ihe bAat eorjt.

Our ecop io one-teotb of tbe 6eU egltiłaied i% 1o ~ood we rbould at one© p-rt io il^ i<tt of th« fcetd.


t Tlver« arw two ioieoićooi: 00< Mowa up ihe brat trilo, doia&^no<x datnag© th1» cas bo repairęd io a few bourt, or peibapt, kllbej wocieo, >-lil!dren «>d non-eotabalant1, wbiło tbe other infinitely prcCerable, blow1 upgiren Irniu for groat atralegio purpo-ww. Thls ahows how ne©o1iary is gororouicnial liirertisaiioB .md eomrol of thvw meaik1.


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