al (3)

al (3)


IRUUNG THE EARRINGS (make 2 of each piece)

• •ecfci



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2: CM.2sc«<*ei rsrcMlSBO

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Ssund 14:011. Jsc2togi swe*. psi wtn v m *

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BSMWdseon rtne JsngB.m9andpnwBi eeptowia-rg

Nownd ItOU. 8sen«^pia*iSgnM meso

Roynd 2: O • i SC w sam sc aemd. pin wm esrnWsrm

Round 2: Cm . 2 sc P asm sc SfomŁ pn «pn • st»f*« cn<i6 scj.

Round 4: Cti l.|l SC o sscfi of nart 7 sc. 2 SC «



TO make Be scarf. cn 36 tang C. Fasen ot FINISHING

Usino s tsosstry needte. **»e P al sndc For

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Fsiwngi aed ladngt oso* <6-<7 Oedeang asM osada osos Si


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