Figure1 AnatomyofPinBar

Figure1 AnatomyofPinBar

El/RU5DAVee<(y 1.1S14 1.2072 1.1912 1.2097


Pin Bar (Pinocchio Bar)

Notice how the nose pokes out? When you see this you know that the price is

®telling you a lie about where it is going!












MetaTrsder, 2001-2009 Met=Quctss Software Corp.

See how the nose is sticking out a long way from the price around it? This makes a good pin bar because the bigger the nose and the morę it sticks out the better the trade will probably be!

27 Nov 2005 11    2005    25 Dec 2005 5 Jan 2006    22 Jan 2006    5 F« 2006    19 F« 2006 5 Mar 2006

Figura 1_Thp anatniny nf a nin hnr

1.1645 1.1505 1.1765 1.1725 1.16S5



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