

paragraph margin

paragraph bordor

image margin

paragraph paddlng

S^e sąnn^Je Jext n the iirs! paragraph. II has a lioalmg image mai was rght about nere (X) in 1he iscurco I iowever, the imago is so largo thal |l    below ihetesa ol th*s paragraph.

iThe second paragraph is inerelore also ialfected. A-iy iniino boxos in it aro *pushed •••"'ascfi,' as :hey are iorbidden Irom coming nsdo Ihe area delimited by tho lioal -ig maco's margins. Notę that me paragraph boxes are sial recwngular, bu: heir borders and backgrounds aro 'dippod* er mterrupled ay Ihe loating image............................................................


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