google video

google video

23.1 Solve the clues and complete the puzzle with words from the opposite page.

1    The WWW is also called the information................•

2    A link in a web page.

3    A website that offers a variety of services.

4    The first page of a website is the----------------page.

5    A person who keeps a blóg.

6    The manager of a web page is its web.................

7    An animal closely linked to the Web.

8    Another word for directory.

9    Another word for bookmark.

The hidden word is_________________________________ text with links.

23.2 Complete these instructions about how to navigate with the words in the box.


web page


web browser

search engine

web server



1    Start up your Computer and connect to the Internet.

2    Open your........................-.......................................

3    Type the........................£ access a website.

4    Your web browser sends the reąuest to the correct.................................................................

5    The server looks for the document and sends it to the................................Computer.

6    Your web browser displays the selected................................................................on the screen.

7    From the home page of can------------------------------to other pages by

clicking on hyperlinks.

8    If you want to find morę websites, use a-----------------------------------------------------------—.

23.3 Some students accessed the websites below. What did they use the Web for? Use words from C.


Show your loved ones how important they are.' Send a bouąuetof Asiatic Hlies or red roses, or surprise them with a mixed Rower basket. Flowers are the perfect way to say “l love you"

Sunday, November 20 Blog comment spam: Fighting it

Regular posters will notice that I have turned off comments on the blog. This is because of the amount of comment spam I was getting -1 was spending almost all my time deleting adverts and offensive comments! This is a temporary measure but when I turn comments back on you'11 have to register to be able to comment.

23.4 What are the main parts of this URL? How would you say the URL?^htrn|



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