


Annc McCafTrcy rctums in ncxt months issuc with “A Bridłe for Pcgasus,*' włuch is a sequcl to hcr wcll-rcmcmbcrcd Fcbruary 1%*) novclcttc. "A Womanly Talent," It’s one thing to recognizc that psionically talcnted pcople exis(. lfs quitc another to teach the gifled how to usc their talent*. And still another thing to leam how to in-corporatc their tuleni* into socicty without causing dungerous uphcavaLs. The cover illustrntion i$ by Kelly Frcas.

July’* issuc will also fcature a novelctte by a ncw writer. Richard K, Lyon. In “The City of Ul Chalun." thcrc is the unlikclicst trio of advcnturvrs ever to trod the slopes of Tibet: a BuddhiM monk. a Chinesc Commuiust army otheer, and an American CIA agent—fcmale gender. but dcflnitely not the sexy. siinky spy of over* worked espionage łiction. Comc to think of it, a spy should be virtuallv an “invis-iblc’* person. And thafs almost whal the heroinę of Lyon's story is. AlmosL

The fact articlc will be “Raretied Atmospheres." by Gary t. Myers. And we'U also havc as many short stories as we can squcczc in. plus nil the usuul fcaturc*.


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