



PO Box 1348. Grand Contr*! Station. Now York, N.Y. 10017

MARCH 1972    - _ cop«*t JUNE 1972    _____coplet

OCTOBER 107? ______copla* OEC6MBER 197?    copia*

Płaci* veml me coplct ot th# 1972 covef rtprfntl » thown abov*.

£ SI.76 for Mch tndiyidual 0Dvcr. $2 50 for cech aet ot two; S3 ?6 for cech Mrt of thrae, $4.00 tor cech iat of four

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Pławę allow four weekt for dalnrery. Only e limited tupply it avai)abJe. Otfer good only łn the United Statri and *u poueisiora.


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