image032 (4)

image032 (4)

% Choice of Flash Point, EvaporatM>n, or Solubibty Calculation

II you ntcrd to port: rcsufc: cn o porter Iha* «s NOT    . . ........................

yoir dclaiit piintet, ckk the Setect Pinlei buten |HPDeskJet 840C/841C/842C/843C Youi ietection wil appe* n the le»J box teie

Th*s wl NOT make the porter you select the new dełeult p^rte; It    Selecl Prtnler

Mtt dieet: i es iii: you wari lo tort to Ihe pririei you :elect bete    ___I

FlashCatoitation ] Evapoialion Calculation | Sotehtty Cateiiaton

Tte prcgićm the tms to evaporate 10*, 20*..... SO* ci the irisal weight U ihe wtfue. It afeo computos Ihe change in corncoation ci the ffitfue and the mwtue terrperatute as the evapota»on ptocecds It iequiet the usei enter the łerrperatuie snd rełahve hurradty The Idtewng nlctmifccn it dspłsyed when ll»e cefaJdbon is ccrrplele Name ol the meduie. ts riial correoaiten. <rv1 ts compoytion, tempeiature, and the tknę at each of the nne wrcerts ovaootatcd oven above Ths datfay nvav bo prntod a? wdl

Enter Ihe temperaturę ol the Evapnral»on (degrees C) herc


Enlet the ielative huraidity nł the Evaporation herc

Enter ONIY aP0GTIVE INTEGER 00N T ENTER SSIGNi II >ou erter a % agn you ge? a metsage thal you eriared iome te.-ł ń cne ci tle text bctcet Rebfrfe hwrrdty mus* be < 100





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