PRI c 06 airlines

PRI c 06 airlines

K)-Ob. 2QC£


„ICARUS” Airlines decided to introduce information system to improve operations:

1. System should storę infomiation about employees: pilots (we know the licence number and list of languages the pilot can speak; the number of languages is 3 or morę), stewards and mechanics. For the moment the analysis will cover only pilots. For each employee we know personal details and the salary.


1.    The airline is operating on many routes (we lcnow uniąue jd of the fhght, time of departure and arrival, days of the weelc it can take place). For each flight we kee^the number o^bonus points that can be achieved by the customer for buying the ticlcet for that-flighF. Each flight is serviced by 2 or 3 pilots (the pilot can service only oneJffghtp'

2.    Each route is operated by minimum 3 aircrafts. For each aircraft we lcnow its type, number of seats on board and a rangę (in km) it can cover. Aircrafts in this airlmes are divided into followmg groups: chartered (we lcnow the price per hour for chartered flight) and a regular route aircrafts (for these aircrafts we know if there is a chance to organise separate ‘first class’ seats). It is also lcnown that the company has other types of aircrafts but it has noTbeen agreed with the client which types these are. A given aircraft can share attributes of different types (it can be e.g. a route -chartered piane).

3.    Aircrafts can be checlced by the mechanics (we know the goal and optionally the descnption of the checlc). It is lcnown that the checlc can cover other types of checlcs e.g. “undercarriage check” consists of “check of wheels”. “check of freight hołd”, etc. and conseąuently the “check of wheels” consists of “check of tyres”, etc. Each type of check can be part of other checlcs. For a given aircraft we want to larów history of checlcs, when checlcs occurred and what was the outcome of the overall check (“repair needed”, “no repairs”) — we are not interested in result of all composite checlcs being part of the rnain check. Obviously the aircraft can go through the same check many times and the giyen check might be executed on various aircrafts.

4.    For each route serviced by airlines there are multiple flights (we know the datę of the flight). The management of the company sets a minimal level of profit for a flight (this level is the same for all flights) that is specified by e.g. a minimum number of tickets sold for a flight so it doses not get cancelled. Statuses for flights might be: “scheduled”, “cancelled” or “archived”. For each flight there is a specified aircraft assigned (one of aircrafts operating a given route)^^^^

5.    Clients buy tickets for a given flight (for each customer we lcnow personal krfermation, number of bonus points eamed for tickets bought). We lcnow time and price of a ticlcet for a given flight. Customer has a seat assigned for him on a given flight.

6.    Client can issue a complain if he/she is not satisfied of the flight (but client can only complain about flights that he bought tickets for). Each complain has a specification of a reason.

7.    The system should enable:

•    Calculation of bonuses for employees of the company for a given period of time. The bonus is calculated according to the same rule for all employees except of pilots where the bonus is based on number of flights talcen.

•    Client who will collect enough bonus points is entitled to get a cheaper ticlcet. That’s why the system should provide functionality to calculate price of the ticlcet for a specified customer in regard to the number of bonus points that he collected.

•    All employees of the company can view infonnation about routes serviced by a given aircraft.

•    The manager can add a new flight for a given route specifying the datę of flight.

•    Selection of the best customer - the one who’s total purchase of all tickets has a highest value.


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