

Ofinishing techniquesO

)'i most cases. p eces marł* with tryton Uireatd are flmshed by tyino ihread Cłuto tuciether. lliu ervds of 3:ainle$s-fitael wire ca u bo Iwisled tc-getber. Use crimp tearis ot thu unds cl

pteocs Uiał cannot bo twistad or fied.

Tying nylon Ihread

Twisting stainless-stccl wire

Using a crimp bead to finish a piece modę with nylon wire


Pass one thread filtl IIlHHIIjfl

aft-.ia?nt bc,;nJs.


Ti? ihr«derds

toęether. If enc'i are not nsane localfon. pass one

01    Iłipni ihtough tifiods unłil it i? finnin/i i:j

the oliw lo


Trę liphUy 2-3 linips |p sccur?. Pliolwjraph show? tlfieOiJs licd fistween łifuiFj


Po* Ihread tghtty

so llyit kivjt 5I133 imrter .1 Cul 6xcsŁŁ thrftid at lh? się? nfatasri

Send twlstefl wirts down with fiat [ilkns yj tlicy wtn'1 sotIcIi your f.Hm


IfłOds not in jamę lotatico. pasa are oł then thrwgh teads umil I; Is clcsc erauglf 10 lir ołlier ts twist.


AJięn 2 StrardS o1 wire ard twfcl 3-4 tdies. Ter C'?s! results. twist with Hat nese plisrs ca siinfer Icol.


Strmg rrirrifi l:>;;nJ nn wire, fhfii any be>ds trat nflA.1 lo De sirupjpast::. P3$s wir* back thrwjh b«ds ta crinp bead.


Cut wire wilh wire-culters, leaolnę 2-3iriin Iwisted wire,


lAjtorg sur? wre is luut. rampress oinrp trąd with fWnuse płicrs If ypnVe usrrrj nyicn tfirwil, coii'piess ths cnmp teui qent f/ so you doo'1 cut the tr'ead.


Slriro rmalnlng Icuds. Hien fóflow Slepsi-2n rewersc order. Cut etCfi.K wire

Geadlng nccdles

The&?afeg»dfol-3vfi'yi h?r<( wter yauri ujhj-re

I    ykn tfread v wfisn yc</'« prawej u,łon tresd tvcujh

II    I: :rm’ krues neiy tl">r3. SfCń IV.-j :iu: itrr.tjęr!. to 3ttomn»lSVlivi:ii lny Wad?. tćadnjiiicPr.nro hrrerthar crdnaiy :j wirg


Appll&d lo koni:: m

nylon thread and ccrrp-cssod crimp beacs. We recommeod two-port epoxy. Avoid supenjlue. Iii:i<mw? it fends to

di:.ook>! Iip.w>3.

Ring słick

Hini) ::fir:k:; :ire used by jewelers to e.i?n nngs. Ita good to have coe cf mese to check measu-erronts 33 you werk.



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