have, the morę we spend time alone, in the ąuiet, perhaps in the dark, away from people because we need to avoid high levels of light and noise. If this keeps on happening over a longer period of time, it could affect our social relationships. If someone cannot go out with friends to a bar because the noise, the smoke, etc., bring on a migraine, then that person may see his or her friends less and less. Now, psychologists know that when people have high levels of social support they are better able to deal with illness and its effects. Therefore, any illness that can create some social isolation needs to be managed very carefully. The advice is to make surę that you do spend time with friends, no matter how common your headaches may be. If you cannot engage in the usual activities with friends, hnd some time to see them in other environments, perhaps going for a walk or visiting each others’ homes. Do not allow your condition to affect your friendships or family relationships.

Gloomy times

Although it is not extremely common, some people can become depressed during the course of a chronic condition - and this can also affect headache andmigraine sufferers. Day after day, week after week, year after year, a medical problem hanging over you, affecting many aspects of your normal life, begins to get you down. Depression is a frightening word to many people, although it does not necessarily mean that being depressed is always to be viewed as such a terrible thing. Many people have depression in the course of their life, and it is not always as debilitating as in the most extreme cases - although, of course, it is usually only the most extreme cases we hear about. Most depression, when it occurs, is manageable, and people do get ‘cured’. Depression may occur, in headache and migraine sufferers, because of the long-term worry and stress caused by the condition and by a loss of social support. In cases where migraine is very freąuent and very strong, people may have to give up their jobs, and this can be the sort of situation where depression can grow unless it is well managed. Remember that word: managed. Psychologists talk about managing health and illness, and this is very important because it tells us a crucial thing: you are the boss, not your illness. If you take control, you can win.

If, over time, you start to feel that you are losing energy, perhaps sleeping morę, and caring less about things, then it is worth talking to your doctor. If you treat such problems early, they are morę easily remedied, just like a physical illness.


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