Tips for Ribbings

Ribbing holcls knilted pieces in sliape. Unless you want a lx>x-shaped sweater, elastic thread or pieces of elastic will help to give stretched-out ribbing its shape back. If the ribbing is damaged, you then have to redo it.

Knitted items madc of wool or wool błends are relarively resilient. The ribbing can lv pre>sed into shape a ller washing and imially diics not stretch mit ot shape. Howcvcr, cotton and smne synthotlc fibers are different. Ribbing masie of tlicie yarns tends to stretch out of shape easily, so you shnuld always wi>rk this ribbing with needles 2 snes smallcr thnn tor rhe rest of the sweater.

You can get vcry thin elastic rhread {sec top photo) tliat you can knit alniost invisiblv into the ribbing. But ii this rhread wears out. the ends will stiek out all over, and the pieces are hard to puli mit and removc.

Sewing in or Crocheting on Elastic Thread

The best and most durable snlution i> ii you puli a somewhat hcavier elastic thread rhrough with a tapestry needle after the ribbing is tinished.

Puli the elastic thread through on the wrong >idc ot the work. through part of a knit stitch in each in-stance. and knot rhc threads very tightly in the selvedgc stitches. If you puli the thread through an entire knit stitch. part of the thread might still show on the nght side of rhe work. Dependingon the width o: the ribbing, you should put in 4 to 6 rows this way and spaced evenly ovcr the ribbing.

Even morę durable is rhe nicthod uf crocheting the elastic thread on with slip stitches. Although 2 to 3 rows are generallv enough, you nced a lor morę materiał. In addirion, you have to sew the ends in very securc-ly. becausc if the knor comes out. so does the wholc row. That's why it’s important that you crochet each row individually and sew ir in individuai!y.

Or crochet slip stitches through > _• of all the knit stitches with the elastic thread, at regular intervals, and sew them securely at the edges.

For 2x2 rlbbmg, always put the tapestry needle through the first and last loops of the knit stitches when you sew or crochet the elastic thread in.

On the wrong side of the work, at regular intervals, puli elastic thread through of all the knit slitchos with a tapestry needle, and sew or knot them into tho selvodgo stitches.



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