

Glow In The Dark

Materialg for Each Chlld:

1 sheet of 9* x 12“ dark-colored construction paper, cut with slits

glitter. seguins. and/or Halloween stickers V? sheet of 12“ x 18“ yellow tissue paper V* sheet of 12* x 18" orange tissue paper glue

Clas9 Preporatlong:

Foki each child's sheet of construction paper in natf lengthwise. then cut a senes of slits from the folded edge to within 1 'h“ of the open edges. as shown <A). Have a hole puncher and stapler ready and yam for hanging (optional).


1. Unfold the paper; then spread glue along the long edges and decorate with glitter. sequins. and stickers.

7. Staple the shorter sides of the paper together to make a cylinder (B). O

3.    Crumple the tissue paper loosely and push it mto the tantem to resembte a ftame.

4.    If desired. use a hole puncher to punch two holes at the top of the lantem and insert a length ot yam for hanging (C). O

5.    Put your lantern near a window or light so that the light shines through it. O


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