
My name: ......


Lessons 31-40 Reading

See London from the top of a bus.

Do you want to visit London and sec itś altractions? Why not sec tiicm from the top of one of oiir special red and whitc buses? It‘s a great way to scc the best and the most famous plact^. in t^bndpn. placcs like Buckingham Palące, the London Eyc, Big Ben and the Tower of lx>ndon. At the same time you cati Dsten to a lot of interesUng Information about the plaecs you*rc seemgThiś way you ean leam a lot in a short Ume ąbotlt London *s present and past.

Do you want to visit an attraction? Thdf’s cagy.

You can get off the bas when you likc and forąs long as you like. Then. when you’re retkiy, you can wail for a few minutes and get on the ncxt bus.

Willi tlić same lickci you can alko go by lx>ąi on the Kiver Thrnnes. ll's a gteat wąy to sec ą lot of different attractiotts likc Tower Bndge quickly and ensily.

Our open-top bus lours take thrcc hours and there arc over 90 bus stops on the way. Buscs go ćv£ry 10-15 minutes betwecu 09.00 and 17.00.

Adults: £lfe. Childien under 12: £8.

1 Rigbt (✓) or wrong (X)?

1    The text Is about bus tours In London......

2    There is one bus tour a day.    .....


2 Choose the correct answer, a) b) or c).

1    lt’s best to sit (a) In b) under c) on the top) of the bus.

2    The open-top buses are (a) black and whlte

b)    red and whlte c) blue and wbite).

3    You can go (a) by boat b) underground

c)    by train) with the same ticket.

4    The last bus tour leaves at (a) 16.00 b) 17.00 c) 18.00).


3 Rlght (✓), wrong (X) or doesrYt say (DS)?

1    The Tower of London is one of London's most famous tourlst attractions.

2    Over 2 mllllon people visit London every year.

3    Big Ben is In London.

A The London Eye is near Big Ben.

5    You can onty get off the bus for a few minutes.

6    You can see Tower Brldge from the River Thafnes.

7    Ali open-top bus tours start at 09.00.

8    Tickets for an adult with two children cost £32.


A Read thls description of Zoe's frlend Laura.

My best friend is Laura. We‘re the same age -14. She gees to my school and were in the same class. I walk to school but Laura goes by bus. At our school we have to wear a uniform. Laura doesn’t like It!

Laurałs very friendly and good fun. But she fsn't very clever and I sometimes havo to help her with her homework. I Ihink she*s also quite lazyl

Now write a descrlption of Zoe’s frfend Anlsha. Use thls Information.

Name/age: Anisha/13 School: Churchill Class: 3B    To school: By bike

Uniform?: No

Personality: + klnd/generous Personallty: - shy/mean

Zdcs friend Anlsha Is 13.


5 Right (✓) or wroną (X)?

I The boy is taiking to his mother.

2 He fs askłng tor directlons.    .....


6    Which is the right answer, a) b) or c)?

0    The skateboard park Is

Ui^aTthe sports eenj^b) near the station c) near the shopping centre).

1    lt’s (a) next to b) opposlte c) In front of) the swlmmlng pool.

2    To get there you must (a) tum left b) tur n right c) go straight ahead) at the school.

3    After that you go past (a) the bank b> the museumc) the town hall).

4    The skateboard park Is (a) on the right b) straight ahead c) on the left).

(^Score Ia'\

7    Answer these guestlons.

0    Cari you walk to the sports centre? Y?W,?ł.

1    How long does It take on foot? ...........

2    How does the woman usually go

to the sports centre?    ...........

3    How long does that take?    ...........

4    is the bo^on his bike?    ...........

5    How is he going?    ...........

6    Who In the woman's famlly has

gol a skateboard?    ...........

(jścore /<T)


8 Match. There is one extra response.

0    Can I ask you questlon?

1    How do you get

to school?

a)    I go by bus.

b)    It only takes about ten minutes.



Can you teł! me the way lo the station?

How far is It?

4 Whydid you go to London?


c) Have a nlce day.

9    Complote the conversation with phrases from the box.

^ I see. How long does It take? Yesrśurei ^ Excellent. ITs not far then.

Can you show me on thls map?

^ Thanks for ypur help. Bye._^

A: Excuse me. Can you tell me the way to the bus station?

B: O Hrf:

A: t........................................

B: Certainly. Look. Go along here, turn right and it'$ in front of you * here.

A: 2.......................................

B: Only about five minutes.

A: 3.......................................

B: No, It łsn’t. Have a nice day.

A: 4.........................................

^Score łA>)

10    Complete the conversation with comptete sentences.

Ben: How do you get to school?

You: 0 J .0.°. ty tufi/on foof^cycie > t

Ben: How far is it?

You: 1........................................

Ben: How long does it take?

You: 2....................................

Ben: Do you have to wear a uniform at your school?

You: 3....................................

Ben: How often do you have to do homework?

You: 4....................*...............

Ben: OK. thanks. Bye.

(Score /4)

^d) Yes, what Is it?

e) Yes, I can. lTs not far.

f) To do some shopping.

^Score /4^)

€■ PcarSon Kriiicntiofi 20001


14 '











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