rsin;* pallrrib . he panori»v n ihis book arc iulcuded lo bc uscd in iwo ways. Itr body pars. msi shapc yourclny, compuring ii o thc paltem locrusiltc tliat llic si/c and propoilions aa* acciimte. For eut picccs soch as Donald Duck’» shin a. c collar. tracę the patiem onto tracing pa:vr. . iii il out and lay il dii a sliec. uf clay. l'sc lin* X-ac:o knifetoc, around it.

Wcw ulso inc.r.ded *.hrcc diftcrcnt views o! euch co:ti-pletcd tiguic to masę ihem wisior lor you to rcpmducc.

SmoolhiiiK and fiimhing: Pies*- scams logcther tirrnly wil- yot r fingertip, thcn ul) liglilly across the saur to liii the senni and hicnd thc edgcs o: tlić clay. Avoid leaving air-lilled “holes" in thc clay which ntay bubliie up dltring baking.

Ha king Prchcat your oven lo 275 . Ahvavs test your oyc: for ner ratc tcmpcralurc. loo iwl an <iven wil riol c_re the clay pmperly. Tco hot an ovcn will buru thc clay. especinl: v whitc and pastel colois. and may reJea.se lnu ilu! fiimes. Bakę in a cl; vs orce ramie bakaig disli nr on an insulatcd or dnublod cookte siwi Fiacc cooking pnrehment under thc picccs. lo present shiny spois. and so thc clay does nur loucli surfaccs which may bc uscd lalcr for t<»J. IIle clay sońsr.s slightly as it is baking. so sonie picccs may need props ol clay or cardhoanl i<» support them (bakc clay props first. or place pnrchmcnl betwccn thc prups and thc figurę to a\oid fusing them)

Bakc lor 30 minutes tor each V*' o: ihickncss. ihen lurn off tlić ovcn and allow lite pieces to cml hclbrc louclting ihc clay Arc they donc? You can tell umil they havc coolotl onmpletely. Bakc a test piece ol sciap clay wiih your scalptuie. Tr> to bend ii—doc* ii break eas ly? Própcriy curcd clay s luiu ani slighily flesihlc. Underbaked clay crack.s and crunibles casily.

Do not mirmwnw polymer clay


Shdh <'omi-kcy livcs m a sin;.II Chicago suburb vc ith lici husband Mik.-; .1 twochilcrcn, Cnscy .md Miękcy. ! hrougli I ei business, "Simply Shclly," she sells herelay character-i in local ciali 'li rc-s. In uddii on. Shclly Jrsigns loi cit.fl cnmp: ries and lus appeared in .. video. Tliis is li.-t ronili; book for Moi 0:1 Tin* Press

Sprcial tłumku la dnu k Sicmwaim oj Poty fonu Pmtłnris. />. m i'./ A>c. . i >r h,\ jeiwmtta advtce nu ■*///,ie:’."iVir. ■nul m t.ytuh Ihl! of Hot OJJ HuPreis.

The publishcr .nul (InlKiKTiinilit liki* lo llmnk lin rollowiaR companiis Ikr pro. klina niaU-rLils usicl in ihls puhlirtilion VDtincim I ntcrprben. Im. iVr Alecne sOrigmnl Trety (iIw

V    Pohrnrm Products, Im*, fur Premn Scuipcy mst Si ulpey III pi mer clay s

V    Kc niprr Inolsfo* daycvi.cn


V    Prcsidml: l*a ,. n«- larvcy

V    VIcc presidi ni Teresa Nelson

V    Project cdilnr; Mary M.n c uct b c

V    Technical crlilnr .Sus m Cobb

V    Phuingraphrr John Mc NaUy VCrapllie dtsign»*r-1 irmale: Juslis

VEditors: Paule nu*; LcNac CJci.g. Tum Muir

V    Digital Imngrrs-1 any Sodu Vicluri;i NVch«r


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