

“team-book” fan. And the story being built here adds to what s come before evcn as it takes it into places that a budget-conscious television series never could have. We’re gping to have some fun here.

Now, I can hear some of you—this issue picks up at a point after the climactic battle in the alley, but not right after. So what happened that first night, youreasking? Weil, be patient, we’ll get you caught up on everything and everyone, even somfe unexpected faces as we roli along. In addition to the year-long (at least) After the Fali title, you’ll also be getting Angel: First Night, a one-shot that features short stories that answer this question as it pertains to many of the characters, including a surprise face or two, illustrated by a surprise artist or two. But morę about that later.

For now, fil leave you with the usual debut-issue lettercol plea for mail. Tell me what you think, and Iet’s get a good dialogue going in these parts. Post your thoughts at’s forums, e-mail us at, or even send a letter through the mail (and then stop by our office to transcribe it, please). Next issue we’ll run through some of the earliest comments on this first issue.

See you in print in December, and on the message boards until then, -Chris


used to do different jobs a long time ago, but kept coming back to the comic biz. It must have been the rough beginning at Giolitti Studio in Itały that madę him morę stubborn than most people. He worked for several publishers— Italians and foreign—on various genres. He even had some professional experience in graphic design, commercials, and illustrations for cbildren books. After another pause of a few years which he spent working for a company that was the farthest thing to creaMy, he got back to the comics world with IOW, where he's illustrated Spike: Asylum and Spike: Śhadow Puppets before being hand-picked by Joss Whedon for After the Fali.


iS a screenwriter who statted his career writingand directing the independent film Big Helium Dog, and followed R up by jelling an original Mpppetsscńpt to the lim Henson Company. He wrote Nightcrawlers for Warner Brothers, currently in production.for 2008 release, directed by McG. He has done uncredited rewrites forOimensiooFilms and Twentieth Century Fox, agd is currently writłng the movie The Sims for Fox. Lynch ts the creator of the comedy site He also wrote a story for the first issue of Spider-Man Unlimited. His work on Spike: Asylum caught the attention of Joss Whedon, who sought him dut to-co-plot and write Angel: Ąfter the Fali. In between Asylum and After the Fali, Lynch wrote a series about Spike fighting evil puppets, which, oddly but if you think about it, quite predictably, won him' an Academy Award.


In Angel: After the FalI #2, Joss Whedon, Brian Lynch and Franco Urru continue to tell the tale of Angel after the climactic battle that ended the Angel television series. Between the array of new enemies and fallen former friends—-not to mention the state of Los Angeles itself—can Angel possibly find a reason to go on? And can some familiar faces help provide that reason? (answer: sorta, and definitely that ordet...)


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