Arts & Craft 1

Arts & Craft 1

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for LrHie Hands

Santa s “lland-y" Welcome

Thesc fcstire welcome signs will grace doont for i to come! To make one. use icd pcach. and whitc fabric paint lo putni a cliitd s haml as shown. [law the chiid make a handprim on lhc center of l dark fclt squarc. Then havc him add blue tlngcr-t cycs and u red lingerprint nosc to tlić Santa s cc, as wcII as dots of whitc snów arouitd the San-. Help the chiid usc a fahric-poim sąuccze bonie > write “Wslcome" above the Santa and his namc I the wat bclow Gluc a craft stick along the top ; i«i ihc bock. Then glue tlłc ends of a length of i to the iwo top cotners for hanging.

From Spoon to Snowman

Usc a litilc panu. eta fi foam. and fabric to Iransform a wuodcn i oc cream spoon int<i a snazzy jnowman! First. have a chiid panu a woodcn spoon with plain or tcxtwed whitc cmfi pjtint Whcn lhc panu is dry. usc bot glue to altach a black ctnft foam hal and a pin bacV. I law the cltild usc pa"'1 °r pcrmancnt marker* lo make lhc snowman's cycs. mouth. and a carrul-shapcd nosc. For a finishing touch. help ibc chiid i»c u short length of scrap fabric around tlić indenta-tion on the spoon lo piocidc ber snowman with a warm winter seat!’



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