Ask Me Everything#9

Ask Me Everything#9

is pop imusic so popular?

Pop musie is the popular musie of any time. Since the 1950s, pop musie has become a softer style of rock and roli. It is easy to dance to and usually has a catchy chorus designed to stick in your head.


Aretha Franklin

The Queen of Soul and the winner of 18 Grammy Awards.

Ray Charles

Blinded at the age of seven, he pioneered soul musie by mixing gospel, R&B, and jazz.

Elvis Presley

Also known as the “King of Rock and Roli,” or quite simply the “King.”

High hat cymbals:

Two cymbals that clash using a pedał

Ride cymbał: Maintains a steady, rhythmic pattern

Crash cymbał: Makes a loud, sharp “crash” sound


DJ is the shortened term for disk jockey.

This was originally used when radio announcers played vinyl records on a turntable.

Floor tom: Can be

used as a smali bass drum (usually in jazz)

Toms: Cylindrical pair of drums with no snare. It is mounted above the bass drum

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How to: play air guitar

01 ■ Put on your favorite heavy metal or hard rock album and play it very, very loud!

Bass drum: Used to mark time in a song


Snare drum: Strands of wire stretched across the “skin” brighten the sound

When the song is do, thank your audience. Smash your air guitar on stage to seem morę “rock”.

02 ■ Pretend that you are playing an electric guitar (your air guitar) to thousands of adoring fans.




Make wild windmill motions with your “free” arm as you rock some air.

Do the splits!

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