

right stretching program for your individual needs, the rule is: Select, stretch, and see.

This book may also be uscd by doctors and physi-cal therapists in teaching paticnts to stretch their muscles.

How to use the pictures

The illuslrations make it easier foryou to understand explanations and instructions. Drawings show the troublesome muscles, wherc they are, and where you shouldfeel the strain while exercising. (Fig 1).

In most drawings, each muscle has a number, during an exercise. In most cases, the starting posi-tion is so stable that no cross needs to be shown.

If you can get into the position shown in the ’stretching’ photo without feeling any strain, you probably don’t need to do that particular exercise. But try it now and then anyway, just to check if you’ve stiffened up!

How to use explanations and instructions

Each exercise is described in detail and according to the same order. It’s easy to find out why and how you

which is also found in the explanations togethcr with its name. Drawings also show where muscles begin (this is called their origin) and where they end (their insertion).

In some cases - notably whcn it comcs to the hip and the various parts of the spine - muscle names are not mcntioned. This is because there are so many of them involved that there’s no point in listing them all. But you’ll find all the movements you may have problems with, and the pictures show what the muscles look like and where to find them.

Color photos show starting positions and stretching movements.The 'starting position’ photo (Fig 2) shows you how to begin the exercise. First, see ifyou can assume this position - you’ll notice at once if the muscles are too tight. Ifyou fccl any stiffness at this stage, you should do this exercise daily until you can move easier.

The 'stretching’ photo (Fig 3) shows you the correct way to do the exercise, and also how far 'nor-mally’ lengthcncd muscles should stretch.

In the photos we havc drawn arrows and some-times crosscs. Arrows show the direction of a movc-menl, hut not how far it should go. Crosses indicate which body parts should be held stable or fixed need to stretch. Here are the headings you’II Find for evcry excrcise:

1.    Your difficulty is...

Here you find a descriplion of the movement that causes troublc.

You’ve notieed that a ccrtain movcmcnt bothers you. In Example I above, your shoulder feels stiff. You’ve turned to one of the pages that describe the muscles of the shoulder. Now read the heading, 'Your difficulty is...’ Docs it sccm like your own problem? Then do the recommended exercise and compare. IfyouYe not surę what 'normal' movement should be, look at the bottom of the page. Try to do what is listed as 'Normal Mobility’. If that makes you feel tightness,goon to the drawings. Is your tight area where the muscles are shown in the pictures? Then you'II find your answerunder the ncxt heading:

2.    Tight Muscles

Herc you get the names of the tightened muscles that restrict your movcmcnts. You can feel the wholc muscle with your fingers - tendons, atlachments and all. Is it tender? You can massage it gcntly, both along and across the muscle fibers shown in the drawing.



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