

ecording contains a lot of relevant vocabulary; exercises i help students to indentify it. Exercise 6 can be set up srudents pretending to be real newsreaders: everyone in :an sit in front of the whole class and say: 'Good morning, s :he BBC World News, l'm XY ...'

1 zadaniematuraim) 1C 2E 3B 4A

I ' c 2e 3g 4a 5b 6d 7f

* - 'andslide victory means the election was won by a very arge margin; a closely fought contest means the difference r the number of votes was smali.

- ceasefire is a temporary agreement to stop fighting zawieszenie broni); a peace treaty is the next and morę : ermanent step, and agreement that formally ends an i "ned conflict (traktat pokojowy), i -ecklessly 2 disqualified 3 eligible 4 hand 5 delinquent, destroying 6 attempted

t : -e students start working on the tasks, you may ask them B t :se the lists of useful phrases on page 31 of the reference

n on.

nr .-it 9 students have already assessed the content of each ar t • s performance. Now they will focus on assessing the ■ul r. of the language. This presents some difhculty, as they . earners at approximately the same level; they may not m : e to identify many of each other's language errors. The n r n Exercise 2 is intended to help them focus on specific Bperts which they can assess: rich vocabulary; the rangę of ~ - ~atical structures; and basie grammatical errors, which fis ■» tan identify and correct.


Tńe rreningmaturalny focuses on inversion. There are morę Bk : ses on inver$ion in the Grammar section: exercises 9 and * ■ page 42 and exercises 10 and 11 on page 45.

1 -.arely have I seen such a well-organised society.

: On no account must we invest any money in this venture.

-    Jot only does the company use child labour, but it : jmps toxic waste next to farms as well.

-ittle did they realise what we were planning.

-    No sooner had the news been announced than riots : 'oke out in the city.

' ' Jot a word did he say about the proposed redundancies. . zzdaniematumSiie) 1 does the undertaking involve : i gnificant risk, but I no account should you believe : nave I madę any of the statements

-    cid they know that they would be

: 'ad the protest march started than the police


As this is the last writing section in the book, it contains a set of three topics, like a real exam paper. The aim of the treningmaturainy is to think about choosing the best topie. Students are invited to think about the ideas and language they would need to tackle each of the text types effective!y.

3 1 d, f 2 b, h 3 c, e 4 a, g

5 Topie 1: b The story feels frighteningly real. eX'ssuperb acting makes the story especially convincing and moving. Topie 2: a It all started one April afternoon, when ... d Suddenly, they heard ...

Topie 3: f She devoted forty years of her life to improving the situation of... c He was one of the most important figures of the civil rights movement in ...

ASMSWER KEYs Szybka powtórka

1    1 possession 2 imprisonment 3 punishment 4 poverty 5 homelessness 6 burglary

2    1a 2b 3c 4b 5 a economic; b economical óaeconomics; b economy 7 a 8b 9 of 10 a 11 c 12 peace


Write the following topics on the board. !nvite students to imagine that a foreigner has asked them to explain one of these aspects of life in Poland:

•    Politics in Poland

» Poland's economy

» An important event from Poiand's history, or from the history of your town / city / region

•    Crime in your town / city

Each student has to choose a topie and prepare to talk about it for two minutes. Using Bank słów on page 152 when preparing is recommended. Students deliver their short presentations in pairs. Circulate and monitor. Choose 4-8 presentations to be repeated to the whole class. You may simply choose the best ones; however, you may also choose contrasting pairs of talks on the same topie, but presenting very different views. Encourage the class to ask the presenters questions - the morę challenging the better, but they should be questions, not attacks.

Additional REAOlNGWConsider reading extracts from famous political speeches, for example:

•    Abraham Lincoln, The Gettysburg Address ° Martin Luther King, i haue a dream

-    Winston Churchill, Blood, toil, tears and sweat

-    J.F. Kennedy s inaugural address



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