Connections II Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi27

Connections II Sprawdziany i Odpowiedzi27

CO ConnccŁlons 2 7E37S 2P.qxd 5/10/07    10:50 Pago 27

Progress Test 3B



1 Read ihese texts about rock musie. Matgh

sentences (1-10) wilh ihe texts (A-l).(Qrcie)the

sentence that does not match any of the texts.

A Rock musc started In the 1960s m the USA snć tne UK Al the tme. socety was changng and your>g pecple were beglnnrig to protest aooul *snous thmgs. Tne/ were grewmg their nar arvd weanrg their own fasnons.

B Rock musc dereCped trem earlec kinds of popular musc. parteuarty bLes and rock n roli Blues was Ihe musie of the Wack peopte of tne USA trom tne 1920s to the 19SOs. Rccknrol was taster and became poputar wnh wh*e pecpie m łhe 19S0s.

C Rock musc lost popuanty In the UK m tne late 1970s.

Many young pecpie thought < was Decom og siły. because some rock bands were veiy serloos and played .•ery long songs rtiey wanied musie for teenagers to be smple and lood and about tte real lives of teenagers. So mey rwenied punk musc.

D When rock musc was less popular n Brtam In the 1980s sccne rock bands continued to make records and do ccooerts. They remaned popular m erther parts ot the worW.

E Rock musc has played a big part n my Ife. i stu llsten to seme ot tne records that l bought many years aga wben I was a student. The/ brng back wonderfut memores for me

F Rock musc has done a lot of goad Jar the werk). For exampe. specai events like Lwe Ad m 1985 and Lt.e 8 In 2005 ha-«e raised erormcus sums of meney for Ife hungry peopte cf Atnca and given publicity łp tneir teertrie sltuatcns.

G The greal rock bands of Ihe 1970s wete a lot tetter tnan Ihe rock bands you hear today. Todays rock bards try to scond like the ongmal bands, but they cant

H Rock musc s here to stay. When ii started. pecpie sad that It woold onty be trendy for a short hme. but peopte stili o.« il Young pecpe today cne it. and In the tuture n wił conbnue to be popular.

I Rock musc is also about meney When < started. young pecpe irwenłed * for tneir cwn erteitammenl But reoerd ccmpanes krew they could make mlllons of datars from and it nas been matong them morey shce fiat trre.

1    _ tt has been helpful in some ways.

2    _ Rock bands siayed popular outside the UK.

3    _ lt's always going to be popular.

A _ li'sveiyeasy toplay.

5    _ Tliere were reasons why it became

unfashionable in the UK.

6    _ li has been important to me.

7    _ U began because ofsoeial changes.

8    _ Ii's big business.

9    _ Ii came from other styles of musie.

10 _ lt's not as good as it was.

Ifląj /101

© Oxford University Press

2 Write about changes in peopte you know, for

example. school friends or lamii) members. In your answer describe:

•    ihe siluation in the past. using the past simple

•    ihe siluation now, using the piesem perfeci

•    ihe pasi and ihe piesent. using comparative adjeetises

Use socabulary ftoin units 7-9. forexamp!e. to describe appearance or clothes.

/10 |

3 (glrćlt^the correct answers.

1    My CD player was not_as yours.

A cheapei B cheap C ascheap

2    You_this book - it's excellent.

A should read B should reading

C should to reading

3    She’s been a teacher_łasi year.

A sińce B for C ever

A I_that film iwo weeks ago.

A have seen B saw C wasseeing

5    Who is the oldest person_the class?

A from B in C for

6    This is_club in the city.

A besi B the better C the best

7    Take the firsi_then walk 200 meires.

A right B on right C to right

8    I_for the bus when I hurt my leg.

A have run B ran C was running

9    Theie is only a quarter_an hour

befoie the end of the match.

A in B from C of

10 Have_in a foreign country?

A you ever lived B ever you lived C you lived ever





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