

I can write c\ ąmutiótywirt about TV and films.

. do you watch TV?

. programme do you like?

_’s your fayourite actor?

-’s your fayourite programme?


1 Think of examples of the types of TV programme in the box.

TypesofTVprogramme chat show documentary current affairs programme quiz show reality TV show sitcom soap opera sports programme talent show

2 Complete the TV questionnaire with the words in the box. how many what kinds of what what when who





_'s the most boring programme on TV?

Kultura • Wypowiedź pisemna Ankieta

3    Match the answers with the questions in exercise 2. a After dinner, and sometimes before breakfast.

b TheSimpsons. c About three or four. d )ude Law.

e I like thrillers and documentaries. f The news.

u Forming questions

h 1 With most verbs we form present and past simple * questions with the auxiliary verbs do or did.

2 When do you watch TV?

2 We do not use do or did with the verb be.

What's your favourite TVprogramme?

4    Study the information in the Learn this! box. Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1    DVDs / how often / do / watch / you / ?

2    fayourite / what / least / is / TV / programme / your / ?

3    TV / before / you / do / watch / breakfast / ?

A director / fayourite / who / is / your / ?

5    soap operas / which / or talent shows / you prefer / do / ?

6    do / how many / at weekends / you / watch / hours of IV / ?

5    Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in the TV questionnaire and in exercise 4.

6    Your school has asked you to find out how often students go to the cinema and what kinds of films they like. Prepare a film questionnaire. Write questions for the answers.

1    I go to the cinema about once a month.

2    The last film I saw was Superman Returns.

3    My fayourite film is Gladiator.

A Because the story was really gripping and the acting was brilliant.

5 Halle Berry.

WsKazówka maturalna

Zawsze dokładnie sprawdzaj swoją pracę i szukaj błędów. W ankiecie upewnij się, na przykład, czy prawidłowo sformulowaleś/aś pytania.

7    Prepare morę questions for the film questionnaire, using ideas from the TV questionnaire and exercise A. Write the questionnaire.

8    Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions in your questionnaires.

Unit A • In the spotlight


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