gwiazdka (7)

gwiazdka (7)

Finished SUe: Appro.xim.ivly l ur.v-


TREBLE CROCHET (obbrct-lated u)

YO twice. Insert lvook łn sp indicascd, YO urn! puli up a loop (4 loops on hook}. tYO and draw ihrough 2 loops on hook) 3 limes (Flgs. 8a fi- b. poge 3)


(Ch 6. slip st in top of last sc mado) hetce TRIPI-E PICOT

Ch 6. slip •; ol >ixth ch from hook. Ich 6. slip m u «mc chi Mice.

Ch 5. toin with slip st to tonn a nrtg

Rnd 1 (Rjght • - : Ch 3 (counts as first hdc plus

ch 1), (Mc. ch U 11 tlmes irt ring: jou» vdth slip st to tir*t hdc 12 Mc and 12 ch 1 sps

Rnd 2: - Ant iełt-I sp. ch 1 (k> ch 15. sc) In sam* sp. 2 »c m next ch 1 »p. • (sc. ch 15. sc) In nroi ch 1 s>. 2 x tn rwxt ch 1 sp: repea* front * around. riin setth sip st to fast sc: 6 loopi Rnd 3: Slip m m first 7 chs aixl m same kop. ch -1 (counts as first tr. now and throughout) l tr. ch 3 3 tr) in same ktop. ch 10. • (3 tr. ch 3. 3 tr) m rvxt loop. ch 10 repeat !rcm * around. |oin veuh s:p >t to first ti

Rnd 4: Slip st :n r>?xt 2 tr and In ru*\l li 3 sp. ch 4.

12 tr. work Tri ple P»co«. 3 tr) In same sp. ch 5. *c tn tvext loop. work Double P>:ot. ch 5. * (3 tr. work Trlpk- Ptccc, 3 tr) m rwał ch-3 sp. ch 5. sc m nexł loop. work Doubie Plcoi. ch 5; rcpcat from * around; )om wtth slip st to first tr. finish off

Scc Flmshing. page 55 Oso 12 point Blockmg Paltem, page 56. for Starching

Design by IWmo Srcsh

Finishcd Sue: .4.

Ol 15. iotn vsith dtp st to form a nng.

Rnd I (Ri.ihtv: Ch 3 (counts as first dc), dc u.

rtng. ch 1. (2 dc »n ring. ch 1) 11 tlmes; >otn istth sbp st to first dc: 24 dc and 12 ch-1 sps

Rad 2: Slip st tn rund dc and In twtf ch-1 sp. ch 6. (dc. ch 3. dcl m same sp. ch 4, skip mat ch-1 sp. • dc m next ch-1 sp, (ch 3. dc tn same sp) heSce. ch 4, skip nrai ch* 1 s>. frucn * ar.-tcnd: K- n with sipstt third ch of beginning ch-6 IS sps

Rad 3: Slip *> In first ch-3 sp. ch l.xm same sp.

* t <h 10. sbpstin fifth ch from hook. ch 5. (dtp s in same h. ch 5) hetce •< in ncat ch 3 sp. . i 15. st ir fifth ch from hook. (ch 5. slip s: in same ch) hetce cli 10. skip next ch 4 sp t. sc in ncxt ch-3 sp. repeai •f’ ' • 4 moro tben r.t;.-.i: ft.mi mcc w*i wiih slip st to first sc. hnssh off

Sec Fuitshing. page 55. Usc 12 potr.t Blockiog Panom, page 56. for StarcIiSig

Design by VVVmo Stath

