Kl IV 1

Kl IV 1






Listen and repeat. Posłuchaj i powtórz.

It’s Dad’s birthday on Tuesday.

Yes, Mum.

Have you got a present?

Yes, Mum.

That’s nice. What is it?

It’s a picture.

Oh. He’s got lots of pictures.

He hasn’t got this one. Look! It’s his favourite football player!

Oh no! It’s a poster. It’s very big. That’s OK. I can keep it in my bedroom.

it's t>ad's birthday rvext wtt\<L aiA,d Mu.m. Isw/t happy about Cd\a,\^oy's> presei^t ...






True or false? Prawda czy fałsz?

1    Dad’s birthday is on Thursday.

2    Connor has got a present for his father.

3    lt’s a picture of a pop group.

4    lt’s very smali.

5    Mum is happy about the present.

Practise the dialogue in pairs. Przećwiczcie dialog w parach.


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