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Hethlon Unii* t *

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UA" * •WMII.mf

^ CumPiflr Ihr tjunttont

"tomu,h • Mwpfrm .

*****’* • Hrfto u*,


y*~*K%Ąnms mwl.

«w/ 4*7: a / an

5 looA jf litr UMK** i«d «Mnplrfc łhe f**^f w,fh ^ My, ot0/t0,    ^


fbrre arr * J£HL wbite T-tfnrtv and lHctr%---

oun*e \un hal Ihcif »ł_9* <* 'un*ta'*v b":

Iberr r>n1 ‘_\orxrrjm lhflfV-łhamp<v

and tbcrr s *_soap Ihm\*-loolbbcush bul

thore fen l *_toołhpaslr TbtttY*-- 0,(1 Głfnef;'

bul lhofc rml *_hlm.

, rłw ****** -"»• <w /«„•, ^

“•* lh«* w'»ti|


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h«r«t piwe »**<*• «n4 w

^ rt (fv • iAf

4rtr*o    "•*» .rr. Ulr

4M t¥ł*r fwtipfr dii l»r ftwoJ *. «rm* >**■< UW    . (prf <j|i 4l ' W a m ’

Intrnfmrt    <r1«u fMirf h Ji|l ni fmrtU*'

AHejt*    \> \hh> 4A«i '•/ »r,'| •    *v»

W*f **'»> if»ł (hff    Iw łf-i*

W*’ ll - — <|«ui/fr feyrfhrr oi nur fr»r ll(łr»

w lhr*,,, lW/4

■    ^    - |fa4«fo»nerr<ftr> (NU (I dno

*>v| n-w ,1/jfo «lrry i***    /4<,,,

{ti-htfljUayrrthr muk/'

_ . ducł ĄJfrg/*> Mi* łhc \IWpł

dMH Uh* (,■.*< i/p in ihc nwmirig ’

- d«“v t/ł«* |Mt for hc* CjNfi?

doo *hc 40 iHil W1fh *

, do propJe do on thr U»tp? dfH*ł f/H* Uli/ł vf0f)>

.'.ompound nount

8 fumplrl. Ihr tp«frt|i jrm »-1»« |

• ImiMiw    Nin -i OwiNJr»v«t

• h'jk)‘m«    Ałfl tum • «•



Word* lh.il qo toęether

9 |om ihr brumnmgi I-) lo ihr rndmfi »-* How nuny

wnlrncd <an >ou make?

1 Mk- ołtm m.ikr% a ihe brd m Ihr morom*

Ihr \hoi>()in* on Monday nmtakr% 1h.il\ lnm UudenU learo homework at the weekend Ihr hotrsrwuft thry ie wty la/y bfrjkłjst al nghl o'< Uxk phonr rally on her mobile phonr. a shower m ihe evenmg lunch wiih his Inends

1 2 Intrn and <Hm%

1 km«« i Itw




Mc ummIIy ha% lłv*> ncw d<ł


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