

Ar kosę

Arkoses arc sandstones in which morę than 25% of ihc grains are feldspar. The sediment illuslratcd in 113 and 114 is very feldspar-rich, thc feldspars being clear-ly distinguished from quartz in the plane-polarized light vicw (113) by their cloudy, brownish appcarance as a result of alteration during Chemical weathering. Quartz with its greater stability is elear and unaltered. Traces of twinning in the feldspar can be seen with crossed polars (e.g. bottom left 114). The matrix con-tains opaque minerals, probably iron oxidcs.


113 Arkose in plane-polarized light. Locality: Torridonian, Precambrian, Scotland (x 13).

114 Arkose with crossed polars. Locality: Torridonian, Precambrian, Scotland (x 13)


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