

Option 2; Tape through the palm.

Place the hand as described in option by placing anchors 2-3" below the wrfst atn' Ngfe palm of spread hand.    ncł ^id-

Place the patients hand in slight flexion (if . resul t is to limt extension). Apply fan strips start!***at wrist and extending to mid-palm, 4-6 deDenH-upon size of athlete.    ln8

Finish by re-anchoring the fan or checkrein.

For morę complete description of fan or checkrein application please see elbow or knee hyperextension combination techruque.

de Quervains


de Quervains is a tendonitis of the adductor pollicis longus and extensor pollicis tendon. It may bc rclated to a narrowing in the tendon sheath or from repetitive movements of the thumb.

The Kinesio Taping Method will assist in the reduction of edema, pain and with the application of a mechanical correction create morę space.

This technique can be applied using two Kinesio 1" 1 strips or a 2 inch Kinesio V strip cut at the radial styloid process. The technique demonstrated will use two Kinesio 1" I strips.

The practitioner may select to apply a space correction technique in place of the mechanical correction technique, or a fascia correction if deemed appropriate.

Bogiń by placing a 2 inch Kinesio Y Strip with the base of the Y on the distal tip of the thumb on the radial side.

This technique can also use a 1 inch Kinesio I strip on both the palmar and ventral side of the thumb. It may be helpful to have the two ends meet distal to the tip of the thumb, this usually aids in the tape application remaining longer.

Have the patient move their wrist into extension with ulnar deviation, and extension at the elbow.

Place the Kinesio I strip along the adductor pollicis (palmar side of thumb) with 5-10%, paper off, tension. Leave a space in the anatomical snuff box region, or the region of pain. Direct the strip from the radial styloid process towards the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

Initiate glue activation prior to any further patient movement.

Have the patient move into wrist extension with radial deviation, and extension at the elbow.

Place the Kinesio I strip along the extensor pollicis (dorsum side of thumb) with 5-10%, paper off, tension. Leave a space in the anatomical snuff box region, or the region of pain. Direct the strip from the radial styloid process towards the lateral epicondyle of the humerus.

Initiate glue activation prior to any further patient movement.


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