382    _ Index

Thigh, anterior aspect of, 163, 163-165 circumference of, measurement of, 224, 224-225

conditions of, physical findings in, 199t hip, and pelvis, 161-199 lateral aspcct of, 165, 166, 166-168 medial aspect of, 168, 170 postcrior aspect of, 166, 168 Thomas test, for flexion and extension of hip, 180-181, 182, 193 Thompson s test, 292, 293 Thoracic nerve, long, 40 Thoracic outlet syndrome, special testing in, 61-62, 62

Thoracic spine, 297-334

anterior aspect of, inspection of, 301-304 common conditions of, physical findings in, 333t

flexion and extension of, assessment of, 305-307, 307, 308 gait assessment and, 304 inspection of, 297-304 kyphosis of, 301, 302 lateral aspect of, inspection of, 301, 301 neurologie examination of, 313-326 palpation of, 309-310, 310 posterior aspect of, inspection of, 297-304, 298

rangę of motion of, 305-307, 307, 308 sensory dermatomes of, 316-319, 317 sensory examination of, 314-319 surface anatomy and alignment of, 297-304

Thumb, abduction and adduction of, 127-128, 131 adduction of, 143, 144 basilar joint of, 133. See Ilasilar joint. dorsum of, 108, 109 extension of, 127, 131,141-142,143 first metacarpal of, fractures of, 133 flexion of, 127, 130, 142 motions of, 127-129 movements of, 141-145 opposition by, 128-129, 132 opposition of, 144-145, 145 outeropping muscles of, 73, 73 palmar abduction of, 142, 143 assessment of, 127, 131 palmar adduction of, assessment of,

127, 131

radial abduction of, 142, 143, 143 measurement of, 128, 131 to forearm, ligamentous laxity of, 11 Thyroid cartilage, 302, 303, 310, 310 Tibia, 258, 262, 283 bowed, 264

in leg length discrepancy, 172-173, 174 posterior tendinitis of, 295t proximal, 204-206 stress fractures of, 295t torsion of, 3, 4, 176-177, 177, 264 Tibia vara, 3, 264

Tibial artery, posterior, 253, 284, 284 Tibial crest, anterior, 278 Tibial nerve, 290 injury to, 289 posterior, 253, 284

Tibial plateau, medial, 206 Tibial tendinitis, posterior, 283 Tibial tendon, posterior, 283

dysfunction of, test of, 292, 294 Tibial tubercle, 204 Tibial tuberosity, 204 Tibialis anterior muscle, 340

strength of, evaluation of, 350, 351 Tibialis anterior tendon, 251,253, 278, 280 rupture of, 295t

Tibialis posterior reflex, 353-355, 354 Tibialis posterior tendon, 253, 261 Tibiofemoral joint, 201 Tibiofibular ligament, anterior inferior, 278 Tinea pedis, 259-261,265 TineTs sign, 86-87, 87,90, 147, 285 TineTs test, 147, 147, 148, 148,186, 279, 284, 284

Tip pinch, 101, 102 Toe(s), 247-248, 248

abduction and adduction of, 277,278 alignment of, abnormalities of, 261, 267 great, 276, 276

motion of, 274, 275 lesser, 261

rangę of motion, 276, 276-277, 277 palpation of, 280-281 rangę of motion of, 274-277, 275, 276, 277, 278 Toe(s), great, 261

Toe flexors, assessment of, 288, 288-289 Toe walking, 286,287, 340, 340, 351 Toenail(s), 247

fungal infections of, 247-248, 249 hematoma under, 247 ingrown, 248

malignant melanoma under, 247 paronychia of, 248, 249 Too-many-toes deformity, 264, 266,269 Torsion, definition of, 3 Transillumination, to assess ganglion cyst, 155

Translation, inereased, 14 Transverse arch, 110 Transverse carpal ligament, 136 Transverse process(es), 297, 345 Transversocostal muscles, 298, 299, 309 Transversospinal muscles, 299, 309 Trapeziometacarpal joint, 133 Trapezium, 133, 135 Trapezius, 298, 299, 309, 312 inspection of, 25 pain in, 39 testing of, 41,42

Trendelenburgs gait, 177-178, 178 Trendelenburg’s test, 197-198, 198 Triangular fibrocartilage complex» 106 compression test of, 154,154 tear of, 126t

Triceps brachii, 22, 23, 88, 89 testing of, 320, 320 Triceps reflex, 323, 323 Triceps tendinitis, 83 Triceps tendon, 83 Trigger finger, 135, 136 Trigger points, 344 Tripod sign, 193-194, 194

Triąuetral avulsion fracture, 126t Triquetrum bonę, 134 Trochanter, greater, 187 lesser, 186, 186 Trochanteric bursa, 165,187 Trochanteric bursitis, 199t Tubercle of Gerdy, 206,208 Tubercle of scaphoid, 135 Tubercle-sulcus angle, patellar, 213, 213 Tubercles of Chassaignac, 310 Two-point discrimination, 13,13 Two-point discrimination testing, 316


Ulcerations, of foot, 259, 265 Ulna, 73

distal, head of, 106,107, 115 head of, 134 palpation of, 83 Ulnar, definition of, 3 Ul nar artery, 114

Allens test of, 156, 158-159 Ulnar claw hand deformity, 92, 92, 116, 119 Ulnar collateral ligament. See Collateral ligament(s), ulnar.

Ulnar impaction syndrome, 126t Ulnar nerve, 74-76, 113, 114, 127, 139, 141, 142, 145

entrapment of, at wrist, 157t instability of, palpation for, 87, 87 of hand, sensory distribution of, 90, 91 palpation of, 86-87, 87 palsy of, 139, 144

Ulnar nerve compression test, 90-92, 92, 147-148, 148

Ulnar nerve neuropathy, 135 Ulnar tunnel, 137 Umbilicus, 304

Upper extremity. See Elbow; Forearm; Hand;

Shoulder and upper artn; Wrist.

Upper limb tension tests, 326-330, 327, 328, 329-330

median nerve dominant variation of, 326, 328

radial nerve dominant variation of, 326-328, 329

ulnar nerve dominant variation of, 328-330, 329-330


Valgus alignment, 3 physiologic, 211

Valgus extension overload syndrome,


physical findings in, 98t Valgus stress test, 96, 96, 227-228, 228 Valgus thrust, in gait, 215, 216 Valsalva’s maneuver, 359, 360 Varus alignment, 3 Varus recurvatum test, 237, 237 Varus recurvatum thrust, 214-216 Varus stress test, 96-97, 97, 291-292, 292 Varus thrust, in gait, 213-214 Vastus intermedius muscle, 165, 203 Vastus lateralis muscle, 165, 203 Vastus medialis muscle, 165, 168, 170, 203 Yastus medialis obliquus, 204


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