

2 Label the physical exercises.

Podpisz ćwiczenia gimnastyczne.

2 Answer the questions.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

1 How often do you eat every day?

2 Do you eat any fruit or vegetables? What are they?

3 How many sweets do you eat every day?

4 Do you eat much meat?

5 What's your favourite food?

2 Complete the sentences with some or any.

Uzupełnij zdania słowami some lub any.

1 Is there

butter in the


2 l've got

sweets in my


3 Do they eat


4 My sister doesn't eat

meat. She is a vegetarian

5 There are

apples on

the table - you can have one.

6 Have we got



7 We haven't got


in the house, you must buy



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