

2 Read the photo story in Students Book on pages 96-97. Close the book. Are these sentences true [T] or false [FI Correct the false sentences.

Przeczytaj historyjkę obrazkową w Książce Ucznia na stronach 96-97. Zamknij książkę. Czy te zdania są prawdziwe [T], czy fałszywe [Fj? Popraw zdania fałszywe.

1 Brian is very hungry.    T / F

2 Jean-Paul speaks English very well. T / F

3 Brian can't buy any Coke because he has forgotten to take the money.    T / F

4 Ania would like to go to the concert. T / F

5 Ania is from Prague in the Czech Republic.


6 Jean-Paul has come to the barbecue. T / F

7 He loves sausages.    T/F

8 Everyone wants to go to the museum the next day.    T/F

2 Read the photo story again and check your answers.

Przeczytaj historyjkę obrazkową jeszcze raz i sprawdź swoje odpowiedzi.

2 Complete the dialogue with the words from the box.

Uzupełnij dialog słowami z ramki.

four went forgets money was



Jean-Paul: Judy, what Brian speak?

Judy: You mean what_he

talking about? About his shopping today. Jean-Paul: Yes ...?

Judy: He is so careless. He_

to the shop to buy some Coke but he ... Jean-Paul: He is care ... what?

Judy: Careless, it means he often

_about things. He didn't

take any__

Jean-Paul: Oh, and he not buy ...?

Judy: Didn't buy. No, no, no, he brought

_bottles. The shop

_is very nice. He will

give her the money tomorrow.

Jean-Paul: Aha ...

Ą Answer the questions.

Odpowiedz na pytania.

1 Are you careful or careless about things?

2 Have you ever forgotten to take any money with you?

3 Do you help your mum with the shopping?


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