Spis treści 2(1)

Spis treści 2(1)



Endoplasmic Reticulum and Golgi Apparatus

Carbohydrate Metabolism

Glycolysis....................... 150

Pentose phosphate pathway......... 152

Cluconeogenesis.................. 154

Glycogen metabolism.............. 156

Reguł ation...................... 158

Diabetes mellitus................. 160

Lipid Metabolism

Overview....................... 162

Fatty acid degradation............. 164

Minor pathways of fatty acid

degradation..................... 166

Fatty acid synthesis............... 168

Biosynthesis of complex lipids....... 170

Biosynthesis of cholesterol.......... 172

Protein Metabolism

Protein metabolism: overview....... 174

Proteolysis...................... 176

Transamination and deamination..... 178

Amino acid degradation............ 180

Urea cycle...................... 182

Amino acid biosynthesis............ 184

Nucleotide Metabolism

Nucleotide degradation............. 186

Purine and pyrimidine biosynthesis ... 188 Nucleotide biosynthesis............ 190

Porphyrin Metabolism

Heme biosynthesis................ 192

Heine degradation................ 194



Structure of cells................. 196

Celi fractionation................. 198


Celi components and cytoplasm......202


Components..................... 204

Structure and functions............ 206

Nucleus........................ 208


Structure and functions............ 210

Transport systems................ 212

Biological Membranes

Structure and components.......... 214

Functions and composition.......... 216

Transport processes............... 218

Transport proteins................ 220

lon channels..................... 222

Membranę receptors.............. 224

ER: structure and function.......... 226

Protein sorting.................. 228

Protein synthesis and maturation .... 230 Protein maturation............... 232

Lysosomes...................... 234

Molecular Genetics

Overview...................... 236

Genome....................... 238

Replication..................... 240

Transcription.................... 242

Transcriptional control............ 244

RNA maturation................. 246

Amino acid activation............. 248

Translation 1: initiation............ 250

Translation 11: elongation and

termination..................... 252

Antibiotics..................... 254

Mutation and repair.............. 256

Genetic engineering

DNA cloning.................... 258

DNA sequencing................. 260

PCR and protein expression......... 262

Genetic engineering in medicine..... 264

Tissues and organs Digestion

Overview...................... 266

Digestive secretions............... 268

Digestive processes............... 270

Resorption..................... 272


Composition and functions......... 274

Plasma proteins.................. 276

Lipoproteins.................... 278

Hemoglobin.................... 280

Gas transport................... 282

Erythrocyte metabolism........... 284

Iron metabolism................. 286

Acid-base balance................ 288

Blood clotting................... 290

Fibrinolysis, blood groups.......... 292

Immune system

Immune response................ 294

T-cell activation.................. 296

Complement system.............. 298

Antibodies..................... 300

Antibody biosynthesis............. 302

Monoclonal antibodies. immunoassay . 304

Koolman, Color Atlas of Biochemistry. 2nd edition @ 2005 Thieme Ali rights resen/ed. Usage subject to terms and conditions of license.


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