Tsumami Kanzashi Assembly Tut by Arleen

Tsumami Kanzashi Assembly Tut by Arleen

Tsumami Kanzashi Tutorial - Part ?


In the previous paro I showed you how to prepare and cut the fabric, maKe the base and foid tbe petals.

N ow it is time to assembie a flower!

It taKes some time to maKe the fiowers iook nice and crispy. ^iiK (which I use) can be tricKy, but with patience and some practice you wil leam how to deal with it and outwit itr Weil-prepared fabric is one of the Keys to the best

resuit (see my textiie tutorials for preparing fabric).

There are of course other ways of ealing with the subject, but this is the one that worKs for me. It's not the

easiest, but in my opinion it produces realiy good resuits!


* a base for your flower

(see the base tutorials for one of theseo

* chosen number of petals

(checK out my foiding tutorials)

* tweezers

* beads and other embeilishments for finishing touches

i. "Remember how we put our foided petals into some rice giue? Let them stay there for around 20-30 minutes, untii the pastę is sticKy and thicK.

2. Now, hoid the base firmy, and carefuny place the first petal on the cardbard circie... Use the tweezers, so you hoid your petal firmiy and maKe surę it win Keep it's crispy shape.

3. £ee how the petal sticKs niceiy to the base?

Now, repeat this step for all petals - in my case five times, for five petals.

3.a £ee also the gap betwwen the edge of the petal and and the pointed side. Don't worry about it, as it will not be visibie if You giue all the petals


9. Another step of assembiy - here, we see just one    5. And ta-dami You have madę a flower! But is stii

petal missing, and the flower is almost compiete.    misses something doesn't it? Yes, something in the

middie. It both adorns the flower and hides the place where the petals meet in the centre, which in many

cases is imperfect.

6. For the centre I chose some faKe flower stems, in this case peari blacK.

You can use anything You liKe thouhg. I've seen Plain shirt buttons sewn on to Kanzashi'

7. £impiy giue them to the centre using for exampie hot giue. I don't use the rice starch giue for this one, as it dries too siowiy and the stems wili end up fiat on the flower, instead liKe they shouid be.

Now repeat all the steps to maKe another flower and - voiia< -

Congratuiations! You have just madę yourseif a pair of Kanzashi snap elips o


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