
Willi love and appreciation, I dedicate lliis hook to my dear hushand, Doug Kisele. for always l>eing there for me. I am so grateful for his gnie lance, supporl and eontinuous encouragement.


many llianks to all Ihc talcntcd peoplc In my business, 'Hic Miiricmoni Florist. for ihcir support and dedication during the roni-plction of this book and for their contributions.

Many thanks to my cditor, Cathcrinc Cocłinin. for her mcticulous notc-taking throughout the MC|>by4tep proces* and her creative •npiit in making this a truły a spccial how-to book for wedding tloml.v Thanks also to Chri&tinc Polomsky for her cxccptional photography and ability to conccptuali/c pliotos that aro elear and oasy to understand. Stany bcartfclt thanks always go to Tricia Waddell wbo has Itelpcd make thcsc wonderful books possiblc.

I am tntly blcsscd wnh a talcnted stall, great publisher, wondcrful frtcnds and an Incrcdibly sup|>ortive, loving family, l am thankfuł for my wondcrflil lamily, Doug. Sarah and TYina, w ho ncvcr Icł me losc sight of what is important in life...loved ones.


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