

Which of the following DOES NOT pass through the superior orbital fissure

1.    lacrimal nerve

2.    trochlear nerve

3.    splanchnic nerves

4.    optic nerve

A.    only 1. does not pass

B.    only 2. does not pass

C.    only 3. do not pass

D.    only 4. does not pass

E.    only 3. and 4 do not pass

Which of the following passes through the optic canal:

1.    superior ophthalmic vein .

2.    ophthalmic artery. */

3.    intemal carotid artery.

4.    extemal carotid artery

A.    only 1.

B.    only 2.J

C.    only 2. and 3..

D.    only 3. and 4.

E.    only 1. and 4.

Which of the following is fixed to the common tendinous ring of the orbita:

1.    superior rectus

2.    inferior rectus

3.    superior obliąue

4.    inferior obliąue

A.    only 1. and 2 ,_j

B.    only 2. and 3

C.    only 3. and 4.

D.    only 1., 2. and 3.

E.    1., 2.3. and 4.

The inner layer of the eyeball is called:

1.    selera

2.    pupil

3.    retina^/

4.    ora serrata

A.    1.

B.    2.

C.    3.

D.    4.

E.    nonę of above


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