CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 3

CartoonÊkes Þbbie Brown 3

TA To make the iarge from, yeltowwheel arches. roli sausage shapesthat Z U saper at either erki. Stick these into posilić n so that they edge the iwo front wheeis and curi them into a spiral at the frc-nt. Next. stick the back Wheel arches in place To decorate the bon net. cut a liny strip of yeltow and cut out semioirctes on either side of it using the miniaturÄ™ circle cutter

'T T    Thinty roli out a intle rnore yeltow pastÄ™ and cut a orcie using tl>e 2.5cm

Z I    din) circle cutter. Press U' S into the seat area. Using a smali amount of

the pale biue pastÄ™, model a semicircle for the seat and indent radiating Imes cnto ii with the back of a knife. Re! a tiny yellow sausage and bend it round to make the steering wheel. Stick the green sign on the side of the car that was madÄ™ earlier

'T 'T Roli a 7g (7*oz) bali of white modelling pastÄ™ and cut it in haif to make Z Z me parasol Tmnty roli ou; a : ttie red pastÄ™ and cut sthps to decorate the top of the parasol and also model a Dow. Roli a sausage of deep pink pastÄ™, press tms fiat and indent it down either s-de to make a frill. Stick this around the bottom of the parasol, smoothing the jom ciosed

"T T With a pea-sized amount of pink modelling pastÄ™, roli a group of tiny Z J baiis and press them 3s fiat as possible using icing fconfectioneris)

sugar on your hands to preveni them from sticking Cut each in half and stick the semcirdes so that they edge the Donom of the wheel 3rches.


'T A Use the remaining p-.nk to make Pene!ope's helmet and collar For her Zn hefnfet. model a rounded teardrop shape and aso ro'i a tiny tapering sausage for the visor. For her collar. which is modelied so that it will sit into the seat. make a teardrop shape. Holtow it out and pinch up an edge at the futlest end. Using the remaining cream. stick a flattened oval onto the front of the helmet. sSghlty mdenling the eye area and adding a nose.

Roli out and cut a tiny white strip to decorate her helmet and stick on two white pieces for glasses with biue le.nses. Stick the visor m place, edgmg the top of her face with a tiny strip of yellow for her fn.nge. Stick Penelope's head into her collar and place her in the car seat Model her long ha>r at the back by rolling a oa:1 of yeltow and then pmchmg either end mto points. one fonger than the other. Curi the lengest end around at the bottom. Stick biue 'eyes' onto the two wheel arches at the front.


"A /* Cul the pcints from the cocktail stick and push it down mto the Compact Z O Pussycat. Carefully push on the parasol, securing it with sugar glue. When Wie cake is dry. dilute navy biue focd colourmg pastÄ™ and paint stripes on 0ast3raiy's hat. Dilute biack food cotounng pastÄ™ and paint the facial details. the 'W cn the green signs. the ‘5' and the outline and eyelashes around Compact Pussycat's 'eyes'. Diluie a little red ar.d paint Peneiope's smile. Stick a minutÄ™ bali of b'ack trimmmgs onto both ends of the Mean Machines roof. Moisten them v/ith sugar glue and then stick the roof in place, using Dastardly-s head as a support for it m the centre.

Paint Uto numbnr fivo and other fino details onto tho c.irs as flnishing touchcs.



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