

280 Complete Spanish Grammar


En espańol. Usa las expresiones que aparecen en la lista defrases preposicionales.

1.    The Stores are far from our house. _

2.    My car is outside the garage. _

3.    Instead of sugar, the recipe (receta) says honey (miel). _

4.    From time to time, I run ten miles. _

5.    This meeting ends within an hour. _

6.    There are around fifteen birds in that tree. _

Relationships of Conunonly Used Prepositions and Compound Prepositions

Notę that the same preposition may express a different relationship in different contexts.

Si vas a la fiesta, llamame. (movement)    Ifyou go t o the party, cali me.

La fiesta es a las nueve. (time)    The party is a t nine o ’clock.

As part of adverbial phrases, prepositions can modify a verb. Simple and compound prepositions (preposiciones simples and frases preposicionales) can be classified and learned according to the relationships (of movement, place, time . . .) they establish. Remember that the same preposition can appear in a variety of adverbial phrases.

• Movement (movimiento). Prepositions of movement indicate a position or the direction where someone or something is going.

Van a la biblioteca.

Ellos caminan hacia el edificio. No podemos correr hasta tu casa. El avión sale para Londres.

They go t o the library.

They walk toward the building. We cannot run t o your house. The piane lecwes for London.

Location (lugar). These prepositions or prepositional phrases tell where someone or something is in relation to other people or things.

El gimnasio esta a la derecha del auditorio.

Los papeles estan en mi oficina. Estan sobre mi escritorio.

Mi oficina no esta lejos de aquf. Yoy a caminar por el barrio.

The gym is to the right of the auditońum.

Thepapers are in my office.

They are on top of my desk.

My office is not far fro m here.

I am going to walk around the neighborhood.

Time (tiempo). Most of these prepositions are used for other functions as well.

El concierto es a las ocho.

No abren antes de las siete. ^Hasta cuando vas a esperar? Llegan para fines de semana.

The concert is a t eight.

They do not open hefore seuen. Until when willyou wait? They arńve b y the weekend.


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