Untitled 20

Untitled 20


brocetet 7 in. (18 cm)

•    11 5vri •li.rćC^'A'lfl

•    5g3m*nafteb&>cfc;

•    Sgi^iMiCbawis

•    Sg i'!seedbeads in

«WCh of 3 OCłJfS-' A, B. C

•    ohai* ojwi

•    n/a\ beorf ng firoad. sze D. Cr F'fo'nn 6 to. tort

.    -    Ki 2

Cf«tc and ćmbeliish anotlict rriaugular end. Sc w through tbc hcadwotk to extt a top 3 mm. and pick up cnough S1-* to make h loop arour.d the button. Scw through che Other top 3 mm,relraic thr thread palb, and end the worfcing thread and (lii.


[1]    On a comfortable ier.gth of thre-ad, !ea*e a 10-in,

(25 cni) wił, and w«k in Ud-der sotcil TO cwu» a lad der of two cołor A II * *ocd licads and two eolor B 11 ‘ sc<d bcads. Join the end» of the laddcr TO fonu a ring (Basic*), and e.vit up out of the fioł A.

[2)    Pick up two A*, .md wn down through lite ncjtr A in ihc i>rcvtou* round (figuro 4. a-C). Scw up through the ac.w B, pick up two 1$*, and *c.w down through dtc noit B, and up through thr two A* in tbc ncxt column (b-c).

[3]    Pick up two As. and %ew down through dtc noct A in tbc ptrvious round and up through the top iwo Bs in the rte.\t coluttui (c-d). Pjęjc up twn Rs w down through rhc ncxc B in the prcWou* roond, and step up through the top thrcc As m the oext colutnrt (d-o). Contim* worktng in twisted tuhular ItcfrinjjBonc (Basicsi. following the ewaMLshed panem, umil thr ropę i*

3 in. 11.1 cmi lonjut-nding and ndding thread (Basics) as needed. Do noc end the worktng thread or tai).

[4]    Repem steps 1-3 to makr a treond ropc writh A* and Bs.

[5]    Work :n twisted tubuiar hcrringboeic as in step* !-$ to córa te rwo rop es usmg B* and color C 1 i” soed Israds. one tope using jus* As and one ropc using just Cs. for a total of v.x ropcs.


[1]    Using the taił of an A-and-B ropc. altach d to tbc bonom of an edge3 mm in a rriangutar cod: Sew through the 3 tnm. and continuc through tltc 3 mm aboee ir. Scw through tbc beadwotk to cxit the bottomof the rdgr 3 mm. and sew back inw the ropc (photo a). Fxit the cie.M 1V in rhc round, and sew back imo the rrian-gwlar Ctld. Continuc scw mg belwecn tbc ropc and the rri-anguiar end ur.til the join i« sccure, and end the thread.

[2]    Join the rcm.im.iig rope< to the same crimgular end x\ in step 1. working aerras the hottofn of the end w join an A-and-C ropc, the B repe, the C ropc. an A-and-C ropc. and the rcmaimng A-and B ropc.

[3]    Wtap an A-aoJ-K mpe ocer and under the adjaccnt A-and-C ropc, and toin the roprs to thr other triangular end .o in step 1. but do not end the thread*. Repcat with the B and C ropc* and the other A-aod-B and A-and-C ropcs {photo b).

(4]    Using a thte.ui fi om ar. A-aud-B or A-and-C ropę, scw through the ropc ro exit thcmiddle of thr btacekt.

Pick up an S mm round cryi-tal, and sew through an Ił* in the next ropę, pusiiioning the g mm hcrwccn the ropcs. Sew back through the $ mm and the 11° your thread cxtted<m tlić liro ropc. Rctre.cc the

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