Video DownloadHelper Dodatki dla programu Firefox 11 07 30" 32 37

Video DownloadHelper Dodatki dla programu Firefox 11 07 30" 32 37






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Dodatki dla piogiamu Fiiefox > Rozszerzenia > Yideo DownloadHelper

^ Video DownloadHelper 49 3

Autor: mig

The easy way to download and com/ert Web videos from hundreds of YouTube-like sites. This works also for audio and picture galleries.

|l. s>s



^>4— Web videos


June 21 2011

1^1 Dodaj do kolekcji



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Działa z

Firefox 3.0 - 5 *


***** 3 084 opinie


96 126 555

Więcej informacji o tym dodatku

DownloadHelper is a tool for web content extraction. Its purpose is to capture video and image files from many sites.

Just surfthe Web as you are used to, when DownloadHelper detects it can do something for you, the icon gets animated and a menu allows you to download files by simply clicking an item

For instance, if you go to a YouTube page, youll be able to download the video directly on your file system. It also works with MySpace, Google videos, DailyMotion, Porkolt, iFilm, DreamHost and others.

Since version 3.1, you can setup the extension to automatically com/ert the downloaded movies to your preferred video format.

When you are on a page containing links to images or movies, you can download some or all ofthem at once. Moving the mouse overthe items in the menu will highlights the links directly in the page to make surę they are the ones you want to pick up.

DownloadHelper also allows you to download files one by one, so that you keep bandwidth to surf for other stuffto download.

To modify your preferences, like changing the download directory, right-click on the icon and choose "Preferences".

When you first install the extension, your browser is redirected to a welcome page with links to a user manuał at http: www.downloadhelpei.nef manual.php and a faq at http: www.downloadhelpeMietfaq.php

This does not change your homepage setting and the welcome page woni appear anymore.

Support can be obtained from http:/ suppoit.php

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*> download %> download helper Ś> download managers Ś> downloadhelper V video

Ś> video download Ś> video downloader %> videodownloader Ś> youtube download %> youtube downloader

Często używany z...

cjg Statusbar Clock cjg PokHelper cjg Snap Links cjg Subtile

c$g Flash Video Resources Downloader

Jest w kolekcjach :

l^l Windows 7 Theme for Firefox 3.5

l^l Power User Pack

l^l Windows 7 Theme for Firefox 3.5

Komentarze autora

Please, do not use comments as support forum.

If you have problems installing or using DownloadHelper, you should have a look at the following resources:

•    the FAO

•    the manuał

•    the guide for video conversion

If you didnt find an answerfrom the links above, you can fili a support request from http:


Video DownloadHelper 4.9 includes a new beta feature: Direct Screen Capture

• - the feature grabs the video directly from the screen. Even ifthis method has some inconvenience compared to the network capture (the video must be played on your screen the whole duration ofthe capture), it makes Video DownloadHelper work on all sites, regardless ofthe underlying streaming protocol. You can also capture videos from a flash applet running in the page which was previously not possible.

To enable that Screen Capture feature:

•    make surę you are running Firefox 4.0. It wont work on previous versions. If you havent already done so, upgrade your browser from http:

•    open the Video DownloadHelper add-on preferences, section "Capture", tab "Screen Capture" and check the "Enable Screen capture" box

•    once the screen capture has been setup, youll see a new button next to the DownloadHelper toolbar icon. Click it to start the capture ofthe currently playing video. Click again to stop the capture and save the file. Alternatively, you can use the context menu (right-click in the page but outside the flash area) to choose the screen region to be captured

The Screen Capture feature relies on external tools to do the grabbing, therefore it depends on the platform you are running on:

•    on Windows: you will have to also install the CSHelper add-on which provides a modified version of CamStudio. CSHelper and the software applications it contains are open sourced underthe GPL license.

•    on Linux, the feature relies by default on the "recordmydesktop" application. If you are running Ubuntu, you may have to do "sudo apt-get install recordmydesktop" to install that program. On other Linux distributions, youll figurę out. You also may want to use another screen grabbing utility like xvidcap or something else: please let us know about your setup if you succeed

•    on Mac OS X, we haven1 yet identified a suitable screen grabbing utility. If you are a Mac warrior and want to make some research on this, we'd love to hearfrom you


After Easy Youtube video download fail I tried this one again and it works great. Thanks autor: Filip dnia July 29, 2011

Wondeiful youtube downloader

As for downloading content from Youtube, this addon does exactly what it advertises, perfectly, every time. It is exactly what I was looking for. However I haven1 tried it on other media sites (yet), so I cant vouch for it working everywhere.

»«««« autor: Janelnsane dnia July 29, 2011

I lost my money :(

Very disappointed. It is the first time that I have problems with an application of Firefox (and I have quite a lot ofthem). Nothing works, The site of Downloadhelper is so slow that it seems to be located in North Korea. And if you eventually get the page you are looking for, it appears to be useless because it does not bring the information you could need.

Of course, there is no possibility of contact and I wonder if I can get my money back. Let us guess... autor: Stanislas Lefoit dnia July 28, 2011

Wszystkie 3 084 opinie o tym dodatku ►

Informacje o wydaniu

Wersja 4.9.3 - June 19, 2011 - 672.8 KB From 4 9 l to 4 9 3

Fixed missing toolbar dropmarker arrow in some cases Fixed broken SmartNaming definition

From version 4.9 to 4.9.1

Fixed bug #335: Toolbar icon does not activate.

Fixed bug #337: Wrong key mapping.

Licencja kodu źródłowego Co to jest?

Gustom License


Działa z:

Firefox 3.0 - 5* SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1*

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