Word Study 1

Word Study 1

Word Study

WORD STUDY: Stems and Affixes

Below is a list of some commonly occurring stems and affixes.* Study their meanings, thert do the exercises which follow. Your teacher may ask you to give examples of words you know which are derived from these stems and affixes.






contra-, anti-




intro-, intra-




sub-, suc-

suf-, sug-, sup-, sus-



above, over


a cross



go, movc, yicld





-mit-, -miss-




-sequ-, -secuł-

* follow





-vcnc-. -vent-


-voc-. -vok-



-ablc-, -ible-, -ble

capable of, fil for

-ous. -ious, -ose

fuli of, of the naturę of


?Exercise 1

- c. man who carrics luggage

_ d. door to the luggage room

gt the bcst dcfinition of the italicizcd word or pluase or answer the question. g Jim did wlien he got off the train was look for a porter. who sclis tickets

Unit 3 Word Study

Following is a list of words containing some of the stems and aflixes introduced in tliis unit and the previous one. Definitions of these words appear on the right. Put the letter of the appropnate definition next to each word.

1    __anteroom

2 --portage

3 __portablc

4 __antecedent

5._ flexible

a.    capable of being carried easily

b.    the carrying of boats or goods overland from one body of water to another

*c. able to bend without breaking; not stiff

d.    something which happened or existed before another thing

e.    a room forming an entrance to another one

6._ superscript

7 __transport

8 __transmit

9 __supervisor


a.    to bend or tum to one side something which was following a straight path

b.    a letter or symbol writtcn immediately above and to the side of another symbol

c.    an administraturę offtcer; a boss

d.    to carcy from one place to another, especially over a distance

e.    to scnd from one person or place to another

11 __vociferous

12 __rcvoke

13. _ vocjtion

14. _ coim-nc


a.    to cali back; to canccl

b.    to como togethcr as a group

c.    charactcrircd by a noisy outcry or sliouting

d.    instrument for measuring the distance of an ohjcct far from an observer

e.    the carcer one bclievcs himself called to: onc's occupation or profcssion

16 __circumscribe

17 __*ubsequcnt

18 __introspcction

19.    _ intervenc

20.    __ consequcncc

a.    the observation or exanunation of one's own thought proccsscs

b.    to co mb between points of tiine or cvcnts

c.    to draw a linę around

d.    following in time, order, or place

e.    a logical result or condusion; the relation of effect to causc


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