C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\Log SQL Server Enterprise Manager

After you have created a database, you can change the database options. You

set database options by using SQL Server Enterprise Manager, the ALTER

DATABASE Transact-SQL statement, or the sp_dboption stored procedurę.

You can set a database or database files to shrink automatically by:

□    Specifying the autoshrink option in SQL Server Enterprise Manager.

□    Executing the ALTER DATABASE AUTO_SHRINK statement.

□    Executing the sp_dboption system stored procedurę.

sp_revokelogin Removes the login account entries for a Windows 2000 user or group from SQL Server

sp_denylogin Prevents a Windows 2000 user or group from connecting to SQL Server

You can also deny access from login accounts by using SQL Server Login Properties.

You can use SQL Server Enterprise Manager or the sp_addlogin system stored    "    '    **

procedurę to create a SQL Server login account. Only system or security

administrators can execute sp addlogin.

Users can change their own passwords at any time by using the sp password

system stored procedurę. System administrators can change any_


password by using sp_password with NULL Users and

system administrators can also change passwords by using SQL Server Login Properties.

BUILTIN\Administrators is provided as the default login account for all

Windows 2000 administrators. It has all rights on the SQL Server and in all databases.

System administrator (sa) is a special login account that has all rights on the


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