

Fig. 73. The alleged sanctuary on Bogit mountain. The stronghold. The cult circle. The alleged base of Sviatovid from Zbrutch. From B.A. Rybakov, 1987, p. 238 (after BA. Timoshchuk & I.P. Rusanova).

traces of settlement activity were found (Nowogrodzka-Gediowa, 1969). Several objects with plans resembling those of the Polish mountain sanctua-ries have been recently discovered on high hills of Podolia. The most inter-esting of those finds seems the mountain Bokhod upon the river Zbrutch, where, in the opinion of the Ukrainian researchers, the original place of the statuę called Sviatovid from Zbruch was found (Timoshchuk, Rusanova, 1983; 1986). The same archaelogists (Timoshchuk, Rusanova, 1988; Rusanova, 1989, p. 60-63; Timoshchuk, 1993) discovered another object of alleged cult function on the mountain Zamczysko-Zvenigorod.

1964, p. 10.


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